View Full Version : Need someone to talk to desperatly :(

08-11-12, 21:52
Feeling very low and in need of a friend x

anx mum
08-11-12, 21:59
Feeling very low and in need of a friend x

know how u feel hun do u suffer with HA?

08-11-12, 22:02
Hi little.mess

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-11-12, 22:05
Hi, I'm new to this but if you need a chat I'm here xxxxxx

08-11-12, 22:48
You are not alone, there's lots of us on here to talk to. You've just started taking Citalopram haven't you? It's early days, just give it time. I'm on some new meds and I can't get myself motivated either but one thing I do know is that it can get better as I've been in this situation before and got over it, so hang in there :hugs: xx

08-11-12, 23:08
AWWWWW Hon, whenever you need a friend. someone will be here to talk. (lots of us here don't feel well, and talking, and reading will make you feel a lot better. Sending you a big hug!:hugs:

09-11-12, 09:26
Hello, welcome and hang on in there! We are all here to listen and chat. Don`t be afraid.

09-11-12, 11:16
Thank you everyone, I'm sat here crying I feel so alone. I think my new meds have caused permanent damage. I don't know where to go from here.


09-11-12, 11:26
Your new meds will not have caused any permanent damage rest assured its just your body will react to them whilst going into your system,what are you on exactly?

I am on Citalopram myself .

No need to feel alone though lots of us on here with big problems to chat to.:)

09-11-12, 11:32
Hiya Richard,
I'm on Citalopram too.

Since I started to take them the way I see things have changed, like I feel dread and sad towards everything and the little enthusiasm that I had has gone.
Really want to stop them but scared that the feeling will continue once i'm off them.

I took them for 3 days and then something happened in my brain and I got these feelings so decided to stop them and 4 days later that feeling was still there. Was 4 days long enough for the Citalopram to leave my system after only taking them for 3 days or should I have given it 1-2 weeks?

Have now been prescribed Sertraline but petrified i'm going to make things worse.

09-11-12, 11:40
Hi little.mess

No drugs like Citalopram will take between 4-6 weeks to be fully effective ! initially you will feel worse just as you did but persevere with them,Citalopram has worked wonders for me despite a few slip ups mainly with booze.

But the key thing is those 4-6 weeks before you feel the full benefits but as i said be prepared to feel worse first.Never tried Sertraline myself but probably works much the same as citalopram and needs at least 4-6 weeks to be fully effective.

Richard. xx

09-11-12, 14:30
Thanks Richard,

When you say feel worse do you mean emotionally or physically?
Because I always assume feeling worse means physically as in nausea, insomnia, heartburn.. etc..

I mean when I first started Citalopram I did feel anxious and a bit nauseous at first but that diminished but now i'm left with this feeling that deep down I kinda know its permanent.. I feel like Ive caused permanent damage to my brain.

Im so scared and suicidal right now.

All my love xxxx

09-11-12, 16:37
Ohhhhh Noooooo hon, don't be so hard on yourself, you are just going through a bad time. Maybe that medicine is not agreeing with you, consult your Doctor. Some people are more sensitive to meds, and other people have no problem with it. If you feel that bad, and it has gotten worse since please, please, check with Doctor, your answer might be as simple as a med change. Good luck hon, I am on here on and off but I will keep checking if you just need someone to talk too!:hugs: Debbi

09-11-12, 19:16
Hey Little Mess
Please don't despair. All of these meds do take around 4 weeks sometimes more to settle in. You do get heightened anxiety initially and other physical side effects, it varies with everyone but these do wear off!
I took Citalopram for many years and was panic/stress free so it does work. I have just changed to Sertraline as unfortunately the Cit stopped working and am only in my second week so it's early days for me. There are many people in the same boat on here hun so you're not alone :hugs: xx

09-11-12, 19:50
Is citalopram for panic disorder? Iam only on valium , thinking abt asking my dr for a antidepressant again, even tho Ive been on almost everyone of them. Is there any new ones that has helped anyone?

09-11-12, 20:21
Is citalopram for panic disorder? Iam only on valium , thinking abt asking my dr for a antidepressant again, even tho Ive been on almost everyone of them. Is there any new ones that has helped anyone?

Hi, citalopram can be used for depression, anxiety or panic disorder.

09-11-12, 20:26
Yup and it worked wonders for me :)

09-11-12, 21:47
Hi, citalopram can be used for depression, anxiety or panic disorder.

Yes totally agree i am on Citalopram for anixety and panic disorder,mainly as well as a tad of depression at times mainly related to the first 2.:weep:

---------- Post added at 21:47 ---------- Previous post was at 21:36 ----------

Thanks Richard,

When you say feel worse do you mean emotionally or physically?
Because I always assume feeling worse means physically as in nausea, insomnia, heartburn.. etc..

I mean when I first started Citalopram I did feel anxious and a bit nauseous at first but that diminished but now i'm left with this feeling that deep down I kinda know its permanent.. I feel like Ive caused permanent damage to my brain.

Im so scared and suicidal right now.

All my love xxxx

Citalopram can make you feel tired,irritable,and sick until it kicks in properly

You have not caused yourself permanent damage believe me i have been there.

If you are feeling suicidal and need a chat PM me and i will be only too pleased to have a chat with you even by phone.:hugs:

Richard. xx