View Full Version : Really scared :-(

09-11-12, 00:45
I have posted about this before but really need reassurance again. Nearly 6 years ago now three times within the space of about 2 weeks I woke up with a dead limb where I had been laying on it and the feeling spread to my face for a few seconds so I had like dead lips for a few seconds, a dead cheek or dead nose. When this happened through out the day I would also have tingling on and off over my body. Around this same time my vision also went double for about 2 weeks. The optician said he thought it was a lazy eye and in the end it went away after I had worn a patch over one eye for a while. Anyway since then I have just been convinced I have ms. I'm so scared all the time! My dr said if it happens again then she will send me to a neuro but she said its unlikely to be ms cos I was only 17 when these symptoms first happened but I have heard of young people being diagnosed and also I know that with ms you can go years iwth out having reocurring symptoms! Sorry about the lack of paragraphs, I'm writing on my phone but if any one can give me any advice or tell me of any similar experiences I would be so grateful Xx

Anxious lu
09-11-12, 01:02
Very similar symptoms ive posted on here for a while about it..

Look Into or ask about migraines.. I came across basilar-type migraine when searching my symptoms in relation to migraine..

One time I had pubs and needles and slurred speech..

Another dead hand which spread to arm and disorientated speech e.g could think something but not say or write it as it came out confused.

Thought it was something terrifying then have now found out it may be related to migraines.. The second time I did lose Vision (I had has this before with migraine) and then a bad headache. Ive never had any other aura before.. So it was very scary but worth a look x

09-11-12, 13:46
Hi thanks for replying guys. Anxiouslu I didn't have an actual migraine headache when I got it though so probably not that? I don't see any point in going back to my dr just because they say there's nothing they can do unless I get symptoms again xx