View Full Version : Teen Pregnancy?

09-11-12, 01:12
Hello all, this is my first post on this site and it's been really comforting to see I'm not the only one suffering as anxiety has really taken over my life at the
moment :(

I'm 16, and about 6 and a half months ago I had my first ever sexual experience with a girl I liked. I know I was in the wrong, but I didn't have any contraception and the moment took me. Luckily, she took the after pill and said she had her period a week later. I thought she was lying, as if she just said it to make me feel better. We then argued alot and I began to have panic attacks. I was too scared to ask her if she was pregnant, so I stopped talking to her at all, which I regret.

It's been 6 months, my friends have seen her a lot and I have seen recent pictures of her on Facebook. She doesn't look pregnant, and nothing's been said by any of my friends. I've only told my best friend and parents about this issue. This has set off derealization and worries about my health! Why am I still terribly afraid that she's pregnant?!

09-11-12, 01:30
People would know if she was pregnant by now as it was 6 months ago so you have to tell yourself she isn't pregnant at all.

Why are you worried about your health can I ask?

09-11-12, 01:42
Hello :) My counsellor brought up the thought of me having an STD which really frightened me. I had to stop seeing her as she was very negative and it made me begin to worry if I had an illness or something. I've told myself hundreds of times that I'm fine but whenever I feel a twitch or an ache I begin to worry.

09-11-12, 10:01
After six months it would be easy to tell and she has no reason to lie to you about it. You're still afraid of it because you're an anxious person, sometimes it doesn't matter how much reassurance we get from others, you need to accept the fact she's not pregnant in your own mind or you'll worry about it for the next 3 months!

We've all made stupid mistakes in the past so take it as a learning experience and be safe in the future so you never have to worry about pregnancy or STDs again!

At 16 you can buy condoms or get them from the local Family Planning Clinic, they're easy to come by and it never hurts to be prepared so you're not tempted to put yourself in the same position again.

Feel better soon x

09-11-12, 13:01
Thank you so much for the replies, it has really brightened my day :)