View Full Version : called ambulance last wed

09-11-12, 08:45

Had to call out an ambulance last wednesday night had terrible racing heart which i have had before but it always went after about an hour but this carried on and on when the paramedic got there it was beating 170 a minute she got it down to 130 and i went to docs inmorning and his put me on 10mg propadol (spelling) one in morning one at night. I have felt terrible since this has happened. My heart has gone back to normal but my legs feel like jelly and weid like they wont carry me anywhere and shakey. I dont feel in contol of my body at tall. My vision is also a little blurred. I am sooo scared this is ms. What am i going to do feel so horrible. Anybody else had symtoms like this. I also feel unsettled and frightened to do things although i am going to work i really have to push myself.

Sorry to go on and on.


09-11-12, 09:32
lhi lorraine

i have expereinced everything that you have said, and yes its very scarry, but it is classic anxiety symptoms, people underestimate what anxiety can do to the body, producing symptoms sometimes much worse than some physical conditions.. the more you can relax and accept that it is anxiety, the more the symptoms will lessen, not easy i know that only too well. the propranolol should help, although it is quite a small dose.
hope my comments have been helpful. x

09-11-12, 09:43

thanks for your reply. I have been reading the symtoms page at the side and explains some of my symtoms on there too. I thought it might be the propodol causing the blurred vision. but as you say i only take 20mg altogther a day quite small dose. Thanks again for your quick reply made me feel better.
