View Full Version : Cipralex withdrawal 20mg to 0 in one month

09-11-12, 09:21
Hi I would be grateful for any advice anybody could give me. Switched from Cipralex 20mg to Mirtazapine 15mg upped to 30mg after two weeks. No side effects from Mirtz. Now Ive stopped Cipralex completely after reducing it over one month as per the doctors instructions. She said that if I reduce over one month I wont get any side effects and the Mirt will counteract any. Well since 5 days without Cipralex and Mirt only I have had two panic attacks, feelings of impending doom, back and muscle aching, crying, etc etc. Went to the doctors she said its not "withdrawal" from Cipralex but likely anxiety from stresses of moving house and stress at work. She was not willing to entertain any discussion about withdrawal. I asked for Diazepam but she gave me Propanolol to take if I have a panic attack.

Has anybody had any experience of coming off Cipralex when going onto another drug did you have withdrawal symptoms if so how long did it last is it worth sticking it out or going back on them to stop these horrible effects ??

Thank you for your time