View Full Version : Googled symptoms and freaking out

09-11-12, 10:07
I know I shouldn't have but I googled ear fullness. I've had fluid in my ears which went away with nasal spray but has now come back since I stopped the spray.

The website I looked at said this can be caused by a tumour. This is my biggest fear and now I'm freaking out. I won't go to the dr because I have developed a phobia of drs and have PA when I do go.

Rationally I'm trying to think its my sinuses as I do suffer with them but I think I'm in such a high state of anxiety that I can't rationalise properly.

09-11-12, 10:13
I think you would have a lot more symptoms than your ear if was a tumour..Google always gives the worst scenarios. Start using your spray again and I am sure it will go. If you are worried about going to the doctors but really need to go anytime just call them and tell them you are too anxious to go in the waiting room and they will find somewhere for you to wait. x

09-11-12, 10:36
Hi Mrsg12. I'm sorry you're suffering so much...... but I do sympathise. I think you are right in thinking it could be related to your sinuses. I've just had a really bad throat/sinus infection & my one ear's still partly deaf. It's all muffled & keeps popping etc. What you have sounds similar. Obviously I'm not a doctor but the fact your symptoms improved with the spray and then came when you stopped it does indicate it's all related to that.
You're definitely right as regards "I know I shouldn't have but I googled ear fullness" - indeed - naughty!!
It is difficult I know but what you need to do is see your doctor again or maybe see if you can have an apointment by phone? I know that some practices will do a "triage" appointment when it's something ongoing? most importantly though you do need to sort it because once you have the reassurance of a professional, you can then go ahead and deal with the problem. At leat then, instead of worrying yourself, you can put the energy into getting better. x

09-11-12, 10:43
Thanks Annie

Im just too scared to speak to the dr because I'm certain he will tell me I'm dying. I am getting neck and headaches and these feed into the tumour fear. I know my anxiety is making everything worse and I'm waiting for CBT and I've just started escitalopram. I just feel so unhappy and think I've got nothing to look forward to because I'm dying.

I'm scared to get out of bed in the morning because I have had vertigo after a cold and every morning I wake up anxious and scared to move. I'm considering staying downstairs overnight so I don't have to experience this fear.

09-11-12, 10:46
This all sounds anxiety related to me and you say you are scared to go to the doctor in case he tells you, you are dying...What if he tells you that you are not dying and that you have a sinus problem and anxiety and have nothing to worry about. You will then feel much more reassured and relaxed instead of wondering if it is something worse. xx

09-11-12, 11:21
Hey, just to point something out.

You're obviously very stressed at the moment. Stress and anxiety causes tense muscles. These tense muscles are usually around the chest, shoulder and neck area. Now, because of this, you'll find that your neck pain is due to muscles. Because the muscles are so tense in your neck and shoulder area, this will causes headaches.

You are not dying. You also can't give yourself that diagnosis, because you're not a doctor and neither is google. Your best bet is to go and see the doc who will be able to reassure you. Annie is right in saying that the doctor can take away alot of anxiety if you just try to contact him, what is the point in sitting around worrying about things when you can go to someone who can help?

You'll be ok hun.

09-11-12, 11:29
Very good advice from everyone else here and I can't feel I can really add more to this discussion, but yes, jumping from a symptom like ear fullness to a full-blown tumour is not very rational! But yes, when you have anxiety, you can't tell rational from irritational, that's why we need other people around us to knock some sense into us when we go off on a tangent. :) I'm very much like you, that's why I think it's crucial that other people give us a sense of perspective when we start to panic and imagine the worst-case scenarios. Being tense and nervous almost always worsens the situation - or at best, it doesn't help improve our symptoms! You can also get the worst headaches from neck tension - I've been there myself.

Best of luck in overcoming your anxiety, really, if you REALLY had a tumour you'd be getting many other signs too. Feel better soon! :)

09-11-12, 17:55
Thanks for all your comments everyone. So I did go to the drs and she said I don't have an infection and she thinks my symptoms are anxiety.

I'm not convinced though because she didn't seem to take me seriously and I felt a bit silly. My head has been really bad today and I just feel so miserable. I thought I might feel reassured after seeing doc but I don't :-(