View Full Version : Four weeks tomorrow since SAH

09-11-12, 14:20
Hi all, wanted to thank you for your kind messages.

It's four weeks tomorrow since I had my subarachnoid brain haemorrhage and Im now out of hospital but staying with with family as I am not able to look after the children, cook, clean etc yet.

As Im sure you can imagine being a ha sufferer I am not coping very well with all this. I was so lucky to pull through from the haemorrhage and Im just living in fear that it's going to happen again or something else is going to happen as a result of the haemorrhage. My GP is being amazing and has been asking to see me three times a week to check my obs but also to keep an eye on how Im handling what has happened.

I just hope I get through this x

09-11-12, 14:25
Wow, Abby, that's amazing.. I cant imagine what it must have been like but you have come through such alot. I'm glad you have people looking after you and also it's great that your Dr's being very attentive. I know someone who had this condition about 5 years ago and they are thriving now, happy & enjoying life. If you keep plugging away things will improve gradually I am sure. Here's thinking about you & sending you hugs :-)

09-11-12, 14:30
Thank you Tessar.. It was the worst thing you can imagine lol, I am just so lucky, if my dad hadnt been in when I phoned before collapsing I wouldnt be here now so for that I am so grateful x

09-11-12, 15:36
Wow so proud of u! What an inspiration you are x

09-11-12, 15:50
Wow Abby - all I can say right now is, well done for pulling through - that's amazing! Very proud of you hun!

Chris x