View Full Version : Hit My Head - Panic Ensuing

09-11-12, 15:42
As a massive hypochondriac and big sufferer of health anxiety, I've scoured these boards before, and now I feel like I should share how I'm feeling, because I'm pretty freaked out.

A couple of days ago, a carton of plastic juice fell off a shelf in a supermarket whilst I was crouching down, and hit me on top of the head. I know most people would immediately go "ouch, that hurt", and move on, but not me.

I felt a bit.. I suppose funny is the right word, just after it happened, feeling a bit weary etc. No headaches or anything. Later, I went to the pub quiz with some friends and family and, you guessed it, I didn't think about it = I didn't feel ill!

That was Tuesday, and yesterday (Thursday), I sort of went into health anxiety overdrive. Having sat on my day off all day thinking about it (and eventually succumbing to the evil Dr Google), I of course found all manner of things.

I should explain my symptoms more; I have the odd headache (a very light one, it is rare), and my main complaint is just feeling a little bit dazed. Sort of feeling half asleep, and not fully at the races mentally. I have had that feeling before; and it does seem to get worse with panic. No vomiting, no vision problems, no loss of consciousness, nothing.

I even rang NHS Direct and the helpful adviser told me I could manage my problems at home. She said that as it had been 48+ hours since the incident, if something was going to happen, it would have done now.

I'm still freaking out! Thinking it's X, Y and Z still. Pretty horrible feeling that I can't seem to shift.

Any thoughts guys?

09-11-12, 16:09

I don't think you have anything to worry about.

A couple of years ago, I tripped on a loose paving stone walking up the path to my mums house. I went head first into the wall. I nearly knocked myself out and was black and blue all over but it didn't have any lasting effect.

Our heads are sturdier than you think. :yesyes:


09-11-12, 17:16
I know I look online for all sorts of things that I worry about and usually I come off feeling worse because I always think I have the worst case scenario. BUT guess what. Nothing has ever happened. Problems that I thought insurmountable never happened. I try now to say to myself 'theres no point worrying about something that hasn't happened' You bumped your head a few days ago and you're okay and you will stay ok.
Don't worry anymore
Hope you feel ok soon

09-11-12, 19:03
Hi Aaron.
About a week ago or so ago I posted about banging my head and I did bang it really hard on a wooden cabinet. I was absolutely terrified some thing was going to happen but it didn't and I'm fine and it's forgotten. You will be ok :-) Just think how many people bang their head every day and nothing happens xxx