View Full Version : Panic episodes?????

09-11-12, 16:12
Hi everyone

This is just a quick question for people suffering with anxiety and panic.
Ive suffered with GAD for the past 5 years (23 years old now) and have been on 20mg of citalopram for years now which have worked really well for me.
However, every couple of years i have what i call a 'Panic Episode' which I can only describe as a constant state of heightened anxiety and panic. I cant really do much i.e. go out, focus on anything, work etc. This usually only last a week or so then I seem to slowly 'come out of it?'
Has anyone ever had this? and if so is there any advice to how i can cope with this more easily?

Any help/advice would be appreciated


09-11-12, 17:58
Hi there

Sorry you are having a tough time. I have exactly the same thing! Been on 20mg of Citalopram for about 4 years, having another blip at the moment, it's hard to accept that I will be back to normal soon.

I downloaded the CBT4 panic I read it when having a bad time and it reassures me. Dunno why this happens, perhaps time of year?

Big hugs

Jackie xx

09-11-12, 23:21
Hi Jackie

Thanks for the reply :-)

ITS A NIGHTMARE!!!! you feel normal for years and then all of a sudden you feel like your back to square one again :-(
Im just so worried that im not going to be able to go back to work and nothings going to be the same again.......but i know this has happened before and ive recovered so i just need to keep reassuring myself.


09-11-12, 23:44
I'm going through the exact same thing at the moment.
I'm off work, and struggling to go out and I'm so anxious! But before this I was fine.
I agree with Jackie it could be the time of year I'm not sure.
I just want to go back to work and be normal again!!