View Full Version : ENT visit, horryfying fear

09-11-12, 16:15
Uhm... so, I've just come back from ENT visit. I wanted to go to the doc because of my throat - there's something white in it, like a lump or something. And I'd been scared it would be a cancer or something. So I was there today and when the ENT looked at my throat, I felt like my heart would jump out of my chest (like the thing in "Alien" series :P), i don't know, 150 bpm or better. And then I felt strange tingling in my hands, both of them, like all the blood left them and went somewhere else. It was horryfying, because I didn't know what's going on. Then the doc smiled at me and said there was nothing to worry about, my throat was perfectly well (this thing in my throat) and I trust him, because he's the best laryngologist in my city. He suggested I should rather look into my stomach, because the acid hurts my throat.

He said I was so white he thought I would faint :P And he prescribed me Medazepam (geez... ENT prescribed me such a thing, not a Psychiatrist or Psychologist). So I'd like to ask for a few things:
1. Has any of you here ever taken this thing? Did it help? Is it safe?
2. I have an upper endoscopy in December and I'm afraid I'll have a panic attack. Can I take a pill of Medazepam before the procedure, I mean at home? Will it help at least a bit? I really need this type of analysis, because I probably have a reflux, but I'm so afraid. I'm more afraid that I will faint than the whole procedure.
3. Is tingling in hands normal during a heavy stress? After I had left ENT, it went away.