View Full Version : Can anybody please tell me how irrational i must look!

09-11-12, 16:34
Hi all
Well I was first diagnosed with H/A 2 years ago after being in denial for a year about my health (thought i had bowel cancer...it was ibs caused by anxiety!)

I was put on citalopram and did a course of CBT and i was so much better..

That brings us up til now. I am currently 7 months pregnant and I came of my citalopram 2 months ago as I felt 'better' I went back on it a week ago as I could see myself spiralling again....

3 weeks ago I started getting palpatations that were so bad they were all I could hear when trying to sleep which meant I didnt sleep at all. on top of that a little bit of chest pain every now and again.

I went to my gp about them and last tuesday got sent to the labor ward as they though I had pre-eclampsia (pregnancy issue) as my BP was up.

However when I got there it was fine, no problem. I mentioned having chest pains so they kept me in for a few hours to do and ECG and take bloods/do enzyme tests - all ok, just SLIGHTLY anemic and was put on iron tablets.

However this was nearly two weeks ago, I am in pretty much constant pain on the left side of my chest, sometimes stabbing other times just an ache/discomfort, it moves into my back and arm making me want to click my arm and back a lot to relieve the pain.

Pain killers were doing nothing so I went back to my GP today who did another ECG and listened to my heart and did my BP again. ECG was normal again, well a little up but said thats because im pregnant and have more blood pumping around me.

No answer for my pain, was just told he doesnt think its my heart and gave me some stronger pain killers.

I have had like 6 doctors tell me they dont think its my heart and its not a good idea to do an xray as the ECG and bloods would tell them if anything was abnormal. I am fixated that its a heart problem, its irrational but I am in that much pain pretty much all the time how can it not be!??!? and the fact im only 21 with no history of heart problems in my family...irrational!! but i cant stop worrying as it hurts all the time :(

can anyone give me any advice??

09-11-12, 16:51
Oh sweetie im the same. I haven been told by 5 or 6 doctors and a neurologist that im not ill but im still convinced its a brain tumour causing my anxiety but apparently i just have anxiety which i cant accept. I no how you feel.
I had this worry with both my pregnancies and cried everyday thinking i would die soon and my kids wouldnt have a mum.
Could you have heartburn? X

09-11-12, 16:58
ive tried antacids and peppermint tea which have done nothing. even sat here now the pain in my left chest is exruciating!! ive just been to the docs, been told im fine then why am in this pain!!!!

09-11-12, 17:09
I get told on a weekly basis by my GP ( yes I visit weekly ) that I don't have lymphoma, brain tumour, bowel and liver cancer but I still think I have. When you have HA it is natural I think to assume the worst and take loads of convincing that you are fine.

09-11-12, 17:27
Im the same! I have had cancer of everything according to google!

09-11-12, 17:32
im in so much pain :(

09-11-12, 19:04
Maybe the baby is pressing down on a nerve or a nerve got trapped somewhere.

Heartburn can cause chest pain.

It's sooo comon to get palpitations when pregnant!
Chest pain can be due to the way your muscles change, the weight of the baby sort if pulls on your shoulders n back creating chest pain .

10-11-12, 07:09
Well the only relief i get is when im asleep, as soon as i get out of bed though it slowely comes back on til im in a panic that its my heart again.