View Full Version : Anxious for no reason?! Confused please help me

09-11-12, 16:40
Im sat here with my kids and husband. Watching tele in the warm, nothing to worry me but my anxiety has come on so strong and it wont go! Can we be anxious even without any immediate reason to be?
I feel all funny and the waves of intense butterflies are making me feel odd. I feel so disconnected from the world.
I am so fed up of this. I cant even top myself because im scared of death! I cant win. Nothing im doing would make you anxious so why are these feelings so strong?

09-11-12, 16:54
sounds like GAD Disorder. It does come on without any warning and doesn't have to be a reason for it either. You have to focus on getting your mind off your anxiety and not focus on feeling anxious.

Its hard I know, I suffer badly with it and am also as we speak sat on the sofa riddled with anxiety for no reason! I read books on it and try to understand it as much as I can. Also try and give yourself something to look forward to.

I used to have accupuncture for my anxiety and that really helped.

Hope you feel better soon, you wont feel like this forever x

09-11-12, 16:58
Do you get any physical symptoms? My stomache is going mad with butterflies and when its like this my appetite goes x

---------- Post added at 16:58 ---------- Previous post was at 16:56 ----------

Also, im on day 4 of 100mg sertraline can it make your anxiety worse atall?x

09-11-12, 17:00
headaches, diarreah, feeling sick, palpatations and dizziness. My anxiety can last from anywhere from 2 days up to 2 weeks. My last anxiety attack was the worst it lasted 5 weeks and I ended up very run down and getting sick.

09-11-12, 17:42
headaches, diarreah, feeling sick, palpatations and dizziness. My anxiety can last from anywhere from 2 days up to 2 weeks. My last anxiety attack was the worst it lasted 5 weeks and I ended up very run down and getting sick.

That's exactly what I'm like, I am currently on day 5 of 1 now and I'm done in with it all, I don't even know if I have something wrong with my stomach or if its just anxiety, I take fluoxetine, but not sure it any help. I just want to enjoy life but this thing stops me xx

09-11-12, 18:10
I was on fluoxetine for 3 years for depression. Then 8 weeks ago i feveloped anxiety and had a massive panic attack over a nasty video i watched. Doc then put me on sertraline instead and its done buga all with 50mg. Im hoping 100mg will help but i bet it wont. Fed up of this now i just wana curl up in a ball and scream

10-11-12, 18:04
Hi Charlee,
I tend to get my anxiety surges about the times you are describing. I'm ok during the day at work when I'm busy and then when I get in and settled I get it in waves. I find putting earphones in and listening to relaxing music or rain helps me calm myself down... I've also tried to 'face it', like say inside my head 'bring it on, whatever, I'm strong, nothing beats me' Sounds really bonkers, but it helps.. If nothing else it means I am pushing the defeatist panic thoughts into the back ground a bit which gives to some space to calm down x x

10-11-12, 18:11
I can understand how you feel. I would be relaxed and having a night in with my friends, having a laugh and out of nowhere I would start to feel on edge and uncomfortable, anxious and it would ruin the night.
Used to get me so down. Thats what I worry about the most all the time, I can be feeling fine but I'm always thinking, what if and worrying about feeling anxious again. Thats why I'm having CBT. I need to control my thoughts.
Its not a nice thing, distractions and taking your mind off it is a big help. I always let my mind get carried away which isn't good. It is a normal thing with anxiety and GAD im afraid.

10-11-12, 18:17
I just fear im going nuts. Or i am loosing my memory. Even thou im not, i still fear it. Im so scared of alzheimers or any illness that causes memory loss that i constantly have to go ver things. So just sat watching tv is a battle for me. I just want to curl up and cry. Fed up

10-11-12, 18:18
All those fears are symptoms of anxiety.. X

10-11-12, 18:36
Oh god i hope so. More i think about loosing my memory the more i panic then the more i question who people are then i panic more.
Thats just happened to me and im shakey and just cant find comfort in anything i do.