View Full Version : Hey 24/f/ky> I cant stop thinking Im dieing

09-11-12, 18:23
My name is Ashley, I'am at a stand still in my life where for the past several months I have been experiencing panic attacks , long drawn out thoughts that I for some reason cant get rid of. I came across this site looking for guidance , and maybe the feeling that Im not alone.

On February 10th of this year my father passed away, it was a horrible, heart breaking time and that day also being my 6 yr olds birthday didnt help at all. That is when my thoughts started abt me dieing, I cant stop thinking that Im going to die. There is no real cause for it, I do have some medical issues but none that are terminal. However I have become a hypochondriac. After my father passed, one of my good friends got killed in a car accident the following month. Then in that same month of my friend being killed, my children's father got sent to prison rendering me a single mother of 2 boys. I do have my good days, and I have gotten some better about my panic attacks. But my thoughts that Iam dieing and thinking abt death still haunt me daily. If anyone has some positive feedback I would love to hear it. Thx much

09-11-12, 18:34
Hi sweet_oblivion2121

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-11-12, 00:08
Welcome to the forums Ashley. It sounds like you've been through a tough time lately, but you'll find plenty of support here.