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10-11-12, 07:50
Im a 32 and mom to a 3 year old. I developed health anxiety after taking care of my father , who i was extremely close to, and watching him die in front of me. Since then i associate doctors or hospitals with bad news and my anxiety tells me its always the worst when i am sick.
I often monitor my BP constantly when i am sick which only causes it to spike and my heart races. The only thing that helps is to pick up a book and read for whatever reason. If i do go to the hospital or doctor my bp and pulse are sky high of course. Often times the response to this doesn't help so i always have to go through the anxiety speech before they put the bp cuff on. One nurse went so far as to tell me anxiety wouldn't cause a bad spike and wanted to know what kind of illegal drugs i took prior.

Palpitations are always scary and convince me i have a heart condition as my dad did. I do know for a fact that i have GERD. I have found that these palpitations are often followed by small burps.. which is strange so i relate the two which has eased some anxiety. Yet when anxious this flares up so i see how everything can be a vicious cycle.

I know i need to make an appointment and get meds to help me regulate this anxiety. Whenever i start any new medication i have a lot of fear of effects and attribute things to it im sure i should not and eventually stop taking it. Really need out of that mindset, very frustrating.

10-11-12, 08:01
Hi ajhawkx2

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-11-12, 10:07
Welcome AJ :)

Vanilla Sky
10-11-12, 10:10
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

10-11-12, 10:46
A great big warm :welcome: to a friend from over the sea.

10-11-12, 10:56

Health anxiety is no fun, and can cause symptoms which just feed back into the loop. Can you get some talk therapy as well as meds to help you deal with this? You will come through.


10-11-12, 10:59
Good, honest intro ajhawkx2 (what a name :) ) you are amongst friends here.

10-11-12, 12:06
I am really glad your are here, there are so many good people who can make you feel much better. You do have anxiety, and with much reason. Sorry to see you have gone through all that! (that nurse is crazy, and should be fired) you can indeed have your heart race do to anxiety, its probably the number 1 symptom. (and she should of taken you more serious) especially because heart disease runs in your family. My biggest fear is my heart, I feel your pain. You are not alone, on this one. :hugs: Debbi

10-11-12, 16:02
Hi ajhawk,welcome to NMP and hope you find the support you need on this wonderful site :)

fozzy is crying
10-11-12, 16:22