View Full Version : Waking up with 'that feeling'

Anxious lu
10-11-12, 08:03
I promised myself that if i heard back and my MRI results were normal I would try and move on from this health anxiety and put my symptom down to anxiety.

However I can not shake the feeling now that they may have missed something or that I have something the MRI, bloods and ECG would not pick up. I wake up and the first thing I think is there must be something causing these twitches, tremors and loss of sensitivity.

During the day I fight hard to control it but first thing in the morning as I was up I have no control over my mind, it sets the day of with that gutsy feeling of panic.

Does anybody have some tips on how to overcome this. Its not that Im lying in bed thinking about them even when Im up and out its the first few minutes of coming round that effect me the most.:weep:

10-11-12, 08:15
You're not alone, I wake up feeling this way every day at the moment, with my heart pounding and all these thoughts going round in my mind. The only thing that helps at all is just getting up and getting going. Days when I am at work are far better because I have something else go focus on. Staying at home is hard as I just can't stop ny thoughts. I think with anxiety the mornings do seem to always be the worst.

Anxious lu
10-11-12, 08:27
Yes i agree getting up and getting out is a good distraction its just a shame that we have to wake with this feeling and then start the day on an anxious note .. dont they say start the day how you mean to go on.. I feel like I have no choice but to spend the day worrying.

It makes me not want to get up and out and go to work because I just feel sick.

10-11-12, 09:37
Im the same in the mornings. That's when I'm at my worst. My mum once said to me that when we wake up our blood sugars are low,we're still sleepy and the day seems huge in comparison.. It's so true. Everything bad floods my mind. Good luck hun, thinking of u x

Anxious lu
10-11-12, 12:35
Thanks guys..

No improvement yet it seems whenever I come to work I geek heavy chested my joints and muscles hurt for no reason and new one today my skin feels as though it's burning..

Probably due to waking up anxious.. I only work weekends as I'm a student and Saturday is a long shift.. I probably dread it so much that my body can't take it.

10-11-12, 14:15
Hi Anxious Lu, I really feel for you, we want the tests and feel it will give us reassurance but that reassurance only lasts so long before our mind starts questioning things again. Hopefully subconsciously you will know deep down that you are ok after the tests have shown that and then hopefully things will gradually get better.

Was it an MRI on your head you had?

I am going to a neurologist next week and hopefully will get a scan as im having loads of strange symptoms. Im hopeing that if things do come back clear then i can move on and accept its all anxiety, but I can see myself feeling similar to you once the reassurance has worn off.

Just a quick question, when you had the MRI, how long did it take and what actually happens. Just wondering as im claustrophobic anyway, plus the anxiety might make it not a very nice experience lol

10-11-12, 15:22
Sorry know the question was not directed at me but it was regarding brain MRI. I had one in September, I was an absolute nervous wreak in fact GP prescribed diazapam to help me through it. Had one two hours before leaving the house and then got a friend to take me. I explained to the radiographer that I suffer claustrophobia and HA and then started to cry. They were very nice and patient and put a mirror in front of my head so I could see into the room where they were sitting. It took roughly 30 minutes and was not that bad. They tell you what is happening and how long each section of scanning is going to take and apart from the noise ( bit like a washing machine) it's not bad. I cannot go in lifts or any small spaces so If I survived anyone can!! :flowers:

---------- Post added at 15:22 ---------- Previous post was at 15:21 ----------

My scan was to check for a brain tumour by the way. It came back clear.

10-11-12, 16:06
Thanks almamatters, it sound like they made the procedure as stress free as possible, gives me a bit of reassurance. I think I will ask for the mirror thing if they have it as that would definitely help.

Good to hear yours came back all clear :)

10-11-12, 16:22
Yes thanks, like you were saying though even with a clear scan, I sometimes doubt it and have to again check with the GP if it is 100 percent reliable (it is by the way) The mirror is a good help as I could see my friend which was very reassuring. They also talk to you on the intercom and ask if you are ok every few minutes. I'm ashamed to say all they got was me snivelling and asking if it was nearly over!! All in all though not too bad experience. Good luck

Anxious lu
10-11-12, 16:27
Hey the MRI has been pretty much covered but you don't need to worry..

Mine was a whole body MRI they too gave me the mirror so I could see them and although it lasts half hour it goes quite quickly. They staff were really reassuring and I also had headphones to listen to music. It honestly isn't as scary as you imagine and I'm sure if you explain you'd situation before hand they will make you feel as comfortable as they can..

Mine was related to stroke which came back clear it's a nice reassurance to have had a full body MRI aswell as other tests but that is always short lived with anxiety and it's awful symptoms. I think I do know deep down that it must be in my head and my body's reaction to contact tension but I still take a lot of convincing.. With us who have anxiety I feel we lose all logic and instead of finding reason to prove we are okay we find reason to prove we aren't..

Hope you are okay :)

11-11-12, 00:23
Thanks Anxious lu :)

How did you get a whole body MRI then? is that what they do when its Stroke related?

I would like to get the whole body while im there if possible but i know thats very unlikey as i think they will just be looking at my head.

Anxious lu
11-11-12, 00:42
I don't know really it must be.. I just told te doc my symptoms said I was scared of Tia/stroke.. He knows I suffer anxiety and sent me to see a specialist the next day. That specialist said it was very unlikely I had a stroke or Tia and what I had was a complex migraine but put me in an MRI that day to be sure..

I think stroke can have damaging effect on your whole body as they pumped dye around my circulatory system to make sure everything was okay..

If that sounds scary don't worry it's not.. Maybe If your mention you want one and why they may help you

harrys mummy
11-11-12, 05:31
Mornng everyone, I know hoe you feel, but do you also get that split second where you forget everything, then it all creeps back in!! I think at the moment I could see all the doctors in the world, have all the tests, but I still won't believe them, I'm convienced I've got MS! Why can't we just wake up normal, if there is such a thing! Big hugs to all xx

11-11-12, 07:00
Same here my headaches are still here after 3 weeks, not severe but worrying me sick. I wake up feeling sick every morning because the thoughts creep in as soon a I open my eyes. I'm feeling so low at the moment because of this, just don't know what to do with myself :weep:

11-11-12, 08:49
Hi Ats 666 , I've not slept because my stupid rib cage pain and sore lymph nodes I just want to wake up and feel calm and relaxed like I did 6 months ago. :weep: Sending you :hugs:

11-11-12, 08:59
Thanks Alma, its so horrible! When I am at work and out and about and I look at people, I envy them so much the people who can just get on with life and not worry about illness etc. Like you I just want to wake up feeling calm and normal, I've felt anxious now for about 8 weeks. Just waiting for my CBT appointment but I know there is a lengthy waiting list. :hugs:to you too xx

Anxious lu
11-11-12, 09:58
It happened once again waking up with that feeling in the pit of my stomach...

Why??? Its literally uncontrollable!! and it is getting on my nerves.. As you know I have had an MRI with no abnormalities but I feel like my joints are clicking more than usual or randomly hurt.. Not sure what this is or whether I just notice it more now .. Can anxiety cause this?

It does feel worse when I am tense either that or I am tense because of it.. If that makes sense..


Six months of this is taking its toll on me now.. Hope everyone else is okay this morning x