View Full Version : Night sweets?

10-11-12, 10:44
Hi all, I'm suffering with really bad night sweats since going up to 150mg.
Do others suffer with this and is there anything I can do to stop it?
Also what is causing it?
Thanks Gav.

10-11-12, 13:31
I assume you mean sweats?

I think this can be a side-effect of some medication.

10-11-12, 13:40
I assume you mean sweats?

I think this can be a side-effect of some medication.

Yes lol

10-11-12, 14:00
Can't speak about Ven but had similar sweating issue when I went up to 40mg Citalopram, it went away after a couple of weeks. No idea why it happened, used to wear a jumper over my shirt to cover up the sweat, didnt think a wet shirt was a good look!.

10-11-12, 15:40
I only get it at night time when asleep, I wake and I'm dripping wet not nice at all.
I've had it for around 3-4 weeks.

10-11-12, 18:48
Ive been getting the night sweats too Gav, its horrid :mad: never got them until i increased to 150mg xx

10-11-12, 18:55
I have read that taking Black Cohosh reduces hot flushes and night sweats?
Any ideas?

fozzy is crying
10-11-12, 18:59
Yes lol

I thought the same and came into the thread to see if you giving them out.


However, I have since birth had a blood temperature which is always a few degrees higher than the normal and in the middle of the night when for most it drops mine goes through the roof and beyond fever level.

My parents, when I had extensive tests to find the reason all came back negative, were told as long as I did not look ill and had no other symptoms to forget it even if the thermometer exploded.

Fozzy [the stupid Bear]

10-11-12, 19:07
Black Cohosh is a hormonal herbal remedy for menopausal women Gav - it's supposed to balance the Oestrogen/Progesterone levels, I'm not sure if it helps the sweats in general. I took it to start labour off in my second pregnancy and it worked within hours, all I remember was that it was a tincture and it tasted foul. I'd look into it's effects on men before trying it.
Good luck

03-12-12, 05:04
I am also experiencing this since going up to 150mg and at the moment haveing trouble sleeping

03-12-12, 09:37
It isnt nice, ive had a run of about 4-5 nights with sweats and headaches at night!
Getting through loads of bedding!

03-12-12, 10:19
Was sweating couple of night in a row last week. After my first attack asked to stay with friends so at least my kids could get fed properly.
Had to sleep in my friends daughters bed, and ended up sweating badly. Only when we were leaving i realised that bed had rubber sheets on. Dont know maybe that was the reason for my sweats...
Maybe you can try and keep window opened or put a/c on if you have one, or a fan.