View Full Version : Keeping Busy / Routine / Music

10-11-12, 10:54
One of the most important things that helps me is keeping busy. Keeping a routine going. FOCUS is very important. Putting my mind where I want it to be. Even if I dont 'feel' like doing something, I'll do my utmost to get stuck in because once I do, I start feeling better.

Playing music is something else that helps. I pick things that might reflect my mood.... preferably uplifting music (no point putting things on that are too reflective - unless I am going to combine it with some writing as a means to "get things out of my system).

When I'm doing housework etc something like dance music with a fast beat & happy tune is good. Once I get into it, it's a great distraction from negative feelings.

Other times I might play rock music (or even Robbie Williams) with compelling words that make me feel I'm going to 'fight' against whatever it is depressing me. I can use it as a positive affirmation of myself .... "so 'they' might have done 'this that or the other' to me but I am stronger than them & they wont drag me down, I am better than that."

So now I'm gonna put some music on and get stuck into some decorating. What's everyone else up to today?

10-11-12, 11:16
Hi Tessar,

In a word - Beethoven. The town in Japan where I am working is putting on a performance of Beethoven's 9th symphony. This might seem a bit strange, but it's an end-of-year tradition in Japan, a bit like putting on Handel's Messiah back in my own country, Australia, or the UK. I'll be singing in the chorus of the Beethoven here, just as I did in the chorus of the Messiah back home.

Tomorrow is a bit of an adventure - catching a bus I haven't caught before to get to the rehearsal space. (Life is always a challenge for linguistically challenged foreigners bumbling around in Japan).

I hope that doesn't sound too nerdy - I like all sorts of music (maybe not heavy metal).


10-11-12, 18:18
It's not nerdy at all hanshan. You sound just like me as I like all sorts of music too (but I agree about heavy metal & I dont like jazz either). Classical's good. I've got some Beethoven too plus lots of other composers. You're very brave, singing in the chorus. I'd need loads of other people to drown out my singing! Plus living in japan too, that's brave... good luck with the bus!

12-11-12, 12:22
Hiya i find keeping myself busy always helps especially as im not able to work with the illness that i have. Its a challenge as i haave to pace myself and rest in betwen anything i do. Music is a definete help,i love classical too but also love bands like Kings of Leon.Coldplay etc. i do also find rrelaxation and meditation really helps too for the times when i need to recharge my batteries which is quite often lol. i love the surfing the net and i love my support groups and talking to others with same challenges.Reading is also a biggie,have several books on the go :)

12-11-12, 16:22
i like kings of leon and coldplay too. What about Snow Patrol? Some of their stuff's good.

13-11-12, 11:15

I play Deep purple,fleetwood mac,Muse Motorhead, Sandy Denny ,Judas Priest,Led Zeppelin Iron Maiden they certainly get me shifting on the housework routine stuff alright.:yesyes:

27-11-12, 14:46
Am finding it hard to keep busy at the moment:( am kind of stuck in a rut. Av had a very big life change, and feeling am not coping very well with the change,and my anxiety gets the better of me,which makes my depression worse, before I stupidly used cannibis to keep me tredding water.after having a bit of a break down I have quit. And feel iv put my self into a vicious circul where the other has a knock on effect of the other.iv very little interest in any thing at the moment and I can make triggers out of the smallest thing in my head!my new meds are helping me sleep but then getting up in the morning is a battle in its self! I can't kick my self to try and start again,as a feel these things will just keep happening:( any body any advice???

28-11-12, 12:55
Hi Bigchanges, sorry you are finding it hard to keep busy at the moment... your situation is really hard to be in. I do relate to being stuck in a rut. Its not a nice place & makes it so hard to be motivated. It doesn surprise me that you find getting up in the morning is a battle. I'm like that but somehow drag myself up. I would imagine that after very big life change, it is difficult to get going - and I'm sure this is contributing to those triggers you are getting. I think anyone on here would admit that even on a good day perhaps, something can be triggering, so with all the things going on for you now, it's obviously making it worse.
I dont know if you go out to work at all, or what your day to day situation is. The thing that has always kept me going is definitely routine. I remember last time I had to look for a new job, I made myself get up at the same time I would usually get up for work. So, even though I wasnt working, I still kept he same routine. This did help when eventually i found a job as getting up at the usual time wasnt such a problem.
I'm glad that your new meds are helping you sleep as that's always important. Make sure that you do have a regular & good sleep pattern too as this is key to feeling better. Also, are you able to maintain a relatively healthy diet? Gosh, I dont want to sound too full on in what I'm saying but I'm jsut racking my brains to think of things that would help you. Actually, reading your post, I think you are making progress, but OK it might be slow. That's the nature of the depression beast I suppose. But you have made realisations. The vicious circle you are in does have knock on effects but if you can keep plugging away at little good things, eventually they build up to improvements generally. The little good things you can achieve (and they only have to be things like the very act of getting up.... or perhaps having a healthy meal etc), the more positive you will feel.
It's hard when you have very little interest in anything but if you're able to perhaps do a couple of tasks a day - or indeed do something nice for yourself that will lift your spirirts, it'll all push you in the right direction. You can always add a little more here about your situation & I'll see if I can think of anything else. Meanwhile, hang in there my friend.

28-11-12, 16:24
hi tessar,thanks for the post

i managed to drag my self out of bed this morning at 10:30 and showered,a wouldnt say it lifted my mood or anything special but it felt i had done something more than yesterday ,a bit sad ano,a then went to see a good friend of mine and had a chat and went to the shops as my mum gave me a list of things to pick up(so a was doing something)then help my friend wrap her xmas presants for her kids and family,again my mood is still in the dumps but a found a actually had a few little laughs with her.something av not seen my self doin for a few weeks!mainly as av not been out and kind of cut ma self out of normal life as am feeling the way i am.a dont want people to know or to drag them down to my level if that makes sense???i know its all about baby steps and taking it each day but dam its hard work finding the motivtion and keeping it:( a can pm you if you like?a just dont really fancy puting all ma so called dirty laundry out on here,thats no disrespect to anyone else,a just dont want to bore everyone,please dont see it as that people:(

01-12-12, 19:09
can pm you if you like?a just dont really fancy puting all ma so called dirty laundry out on here,thats no disrespect to anyone else,a just dont want to bore everyone,please dont see it as that people:(

hi bigchanges, i sent you a PM so you're welcome to reply:)