View Full Version : Just looking for a chat!! :)

10-11-12, 12:38
Hi in an almost 19 year old female from England just looking for a chat really :)

10-11-12, 13:12
Hi Emma,
I'm Helen, im 30 also from england (kent). Everything okey? Did you want to pm?

10-11-12, 15:15
Hi I'm not far from you then I feel scared to say exactly were sorry x just feeling sorry for my self really today really u ok? X

10-11-12, 19:50
Hi hunny,
I'am doing good today thanks I have finished work and i have tommorow off and me and my hubby have nice things planned. I feel like its well deserved as the past few weeks for me have been very tough and last weekend was particularly bad.
A little bit about me... I have suffered from anxiety, depression, ocd (checking) and trichotillmania for the past ten years. Although the trichotillmania started when I was a child. In case you dont know trichotillmania is when you pull your hair out due to stress and it is a form of ocd. I pull out my eyebrows, thankgod for makeup that help me cover them up a bit. When my anixety hit I had my whole life ahead of me I was at university and about to go off and study in america, I was hoping to work for the FBI. However I became very poorly and had to let go of those dreams. I currently work part time as an office cleaner and i'am married to my best friend and soul mate so I'am lucky I have a job I enjoy and is relativley stress free and supportive husband. I hope to hear from more from you and I hope you are doing okey? When you are feeling down its nice to talk to someone so feel free to vent :hugs:

28-11-12, 13:11
Hey I am 19 too from Surrey PM me if you want to talk :)