View Full Version : Going Back To Work???

10-11-12, 19:16
Ok guys
So im coming to the end of my week holiday away from work and during the week I went into one of my 'Panic Episodes' where i am in a constant state of anxiety and panic over a period of 1 -2 weeks. I cant really leave the house and find the littlest things hard to deal with. I work for a betting shop and am usually fine working there even when working on my own 5 hours a night. I had to go in for 6 hours the other day whilst on my holiday and ended up completely freaking out, locking up the shop 90 minutes early and going home (constantly feeling the need to escape). I am meant to be back on Monday and really dont know what to do? Do I go to the doctors and beg my GP to sign me off for a week and hope i come out of it? or do I go into work and risk maybe losing my job by shutting the shop if I end up freaking out again? I mean what happens if im not able to ever go back?
Apologies for going on abit :-(


10-11-12, 20:57
you need to get yourself to your gp and explain everything in full your situation , if you need a week of then u need a week of be gentle on yourself otherwise the anxiety will just get worse they cannot sack you for being of sick with anxiety, but if u go in and things dont work out then your facing a disaplinary dont put yourself in that situation trust me ive been there and im currently of work aswell:hugs:

11-11-12, 00:56
Thank you for your reply hun :) it means alot.
Im just so worried that the more time i have off the more I wont be able to cope with going back :weep:
And I cant afford to not have a job at the moment. I think maybe its just the anxiety that is making me worry about not being able to go back (avoidance)
Its just so frustrating that ive been ok on my 20mg of Citalopram for years and now all of a sudden I feel ive just come crashing down to square one again.