View Full Version : Amlodipine for BP

10-11-12, 20:46
Hi there
Can anyone help me please?
My doctor has just given me these for
High BP. Took first 5mg pill last night.
Typical me !!! I've looked it up in the Internet
Wish I hadn't, does anyone else take these?
I'm so scared of them.
Thanks xx

oh no_1
10-11-12, 20:47
yeh i was on them for 6 yrs

10-11-12, 20:52
Wow thanks for such a quick reply.
How were they for you?
I'm so scared of the side effects, do you still
Take them?
More importantly. Did they work?

oh no_1
10-11-12, 20:53
how old r u?
unfortunately they didnt work but on plus side i didnt have any side effects and i been so sentivie to any anti depressants etc i have ever tried.....
although my docs r rubbish and they shud have changed them apparently yrs ago...

10-11-12, 20:57
I'm 46. The doctor said they were the best ones to try,
Think they prefer to use them on the under 50 ur olds.
I'm just so scared of the side effects. Like insomnia and palpitations.
She said I could get ankle swelling.

oh no_1
10-11-12, 20:58
im only 26 and had extremley HBP since i was 19.... and they still trying to figure out why?

Mo B
10-11-12, 20:59

Ive been on Amlodipine plus Lisinopril for over 10 years with no side effects except slightly swollen ankles occasionally and they have worked really well for me. I take 5 mg also. You'll be fine.The most common side effect is lower BP! lol

Mo :)

10-11-12, 21:34
Hey oh no & Mo b. your so kind for replying.
On no that's very young for high BP hope they
Get to the bottom of it x
Mo that's really put my mind at rest knowing you have
Been ok on them. Are you a similar age to me?
I really hope they work for me.
My BP has been 156/99 approx sometime a little more
Sometimes lower. Lowest has been 145/93.

oh no_1
10-11-12, 21:39
yeh it scares me a bit that they dnt seem concerned??? well they do but dnt seem to listen when im saying wot else can i try to lower it

i dance 4 nights a week......lost 6 stone at one point n didnt make a difference.... dont drink fizzy pop or owt or smo0ke etc etc etc

10-11-12, 21:48
Its a good thing that they are not worried about it really.
Your young and healthy and fit. how high is your BP?

oh no_1
10-11-12, 21:52
162/105 when i checked in thurs

10-11-12, 22:00
Thats high honey. I expect they have checked your thyroid etc?
I wonder if some people just have naturally high BP, without any ill effects?
Re you on meds now?

oh no_1
10-11-12, 22:03
yeh im still on meds but diff ones...... um do they do blood tests to check that???? if so then i think so

---------- Post added at 22:03 ---------- Previous post was at 22:02 ----------

as i had ecgs and blood tests etc etc

10-11-12, 22:06
Ok yes they are blood tests. So yours must all be fine. I havent had an ecg, doctor didnt mention that i needed one x

21-03-16, 22:25
Don't worry about BP tablets. They wont hurt you. I take mine at night as I go to the gym in the mornings, otherwise they usually say take them in the morning. Get the calendar ones then you wont forget. Just how high is your BP though? Buy one for your arm. Take them every two weeks. If you panic take three in a row and see how they vary. Doctors are too quick to put people on BP tablets. If you started having a problem as soon as you too them, then it will no doubt be them. They might give you something else or ask about Beta blockers. The panic is the worst one. I took mine so hight because he had given to me that the doctor online said I must be dead. So don't keep taking them and don't worry when they pop up high. That is what blood pressure do. They need to be regular and below 120/80 but some live with really high number and some really low. Bumps and bumps, and anything else that you notice are probably nothing. Call a friend and have a coffee!:bighug1:

21-09-18, 21:31
hi i have had pulsating ears after going on amlodipine any one else had this