View Full Version : What a fab forum ... at last someone to talk to x

11-11-12, 00:22
Fabulous site, have already picked up some great advice :yesyes:

My issues are having panic/anxiety about going places such as supermarkets, shopping centers, basically anywhere I can`t escape from. I hate standing in a que "i have no escape" unless I am with someone which then allows me to walkaway at times.

My problem started about 8-9 yrs ago when I started feeling dizzy when I was out & about - usually when I was in the same places I mentioned earlier. Only last week I have had a balance issue diagnosed .... which is great because now i know WHY !!!

But the panic & anxiety has made it worse as I am always expecting it happen when I go out ... this is where my problem lies.

Happy to take advice & if I can ... give some too ... thanks for having me NMP xxxx

11-11-12, 00:29
Hey Trembler welcome to the site!


11-11-12, 00:39
Hi Trembler

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-11-12, 01:03
Hi trembler:welcome:
Have to agree brilliant site....don't know what I would do with out the advice and support offered on here.....having same problem has you at the moment
with the panic/ anxiety and shopping etc

11-11-12, 08:02
I can totally relate to all your issues i hate Ques myself!

welcome to the forum though :)

11-11-12, 08:54
Hi :welcome:. Hope you find this site as helpful as I do !

11-11-12, 13:15
Hello & :welcome:

You will find lots of support and lovely people here with similar issues. I hope you find it helpful.

Kitti :)

11-11-12, 23:19
Thanks everyone .... :flowers:
Went shopping again today .. with hubby for support of course .. so sick of this feeling so have got to do something about it for the sake of my 10yr old :(

I went to a retail park (shopping centres ...no no !!) as had to get a few things, had a bit of a blip & felt such a plonker.

What helped me though was to think of something that really made me laugh ... I sorted this out before we went so i had something ready to use... I also made a list of the things i needed to get ... they may sound silly things but they did help a bit as it was something to take my mind off thinking "what if I go dizzy, what if I feel faint, what if I faint" moments.

Anyone else have any coping mechanisms they use ???

fozzy is crying
12-11-12, 00:04