View Full Version : Anyone tried Hypnotherapy or anything?

11-11-12, 08:20
I really am willing to try anything now, my brain feels like its going 90mph! Has anyone tried hypnotherapy or anything similar, do you think it's worth a go? X

11-11-12, 16:47
I've been having hypnotherapy for a little while, its definately helped me and given me some strategys for coping with panic/stress and given me a lot more confidence. It's not a cureall, but it has helped.

11-11-12, 17:11
Doddsy Hi

no harm in trying.it works for some, not others. In my case it didn't work maybe because I am not suited for it.

11-11-12, 20:09
Hi doddsy

Like Ricardo says it works for some people, I guess it depends on the root cause of your panic/stress. I tried it and I agree with some of the mechanics of it but I didn't feel it was right for me either. I do go to acupuncture tho and find that helps me. We all have to try different things to find out what works for us so why not give it a go :)