View Full Version : Can't shake off anxiety over ear

11-11-12, 10:14
I can't believe that I'm still having anxiety issues! :ohmy:

My last bout with my ear has really sent me into a spiral of HA. After being relatively fine for a long, long time, my last ear symptoms have really triggered full-blown HA, with bouts of obsessive googling of health forums and medical websites. The problem with vague ear issues is that almost *anything* can explain the symptoms, ranging from simple ear infection to really serious conditions! I'm sure this doesn't help HA at all!

I went to a doctor who said I had otitis externs, and prescribed ear drops. It cleared up after the ear drops although it flared up a day after I stopped the course. I called the doc and he referred me to a private ENT as I indicated I was prepared to pay (no waiting for weeks on the NHS, the waiting would kill me!). Strangely enough after I made the ENT appointment, the symptoms cleared up. When I saw the ENT, there was nothing more to be seen, he sent me for hearing tests, was very dismissive, said nothing was wrong and sent me away, much poorer for it... but relieved. Still, he didn't reassure me, just gave me very little info in fact. I complained about it in another thread.

Now I seem to be obsessing over whether my symptoms are returning, whether it is just a simple garden-variety ear infection or something worse and relatively rare, like Meniere's or some variant. Every day I wake up full of stress and anxiety that I will start experiencing some hearing loss again, or that vague low humming noise, etc.etc.etc. and now I wonder if I am not imagining it or focussing so much on it that I am hearing noises that were always there to begin with???

How do I break out of this cycle? I ignored my own advice and googled and went on various health forums to read other people's experiences and am now scared and can't get it out of my head!

It is so true, what someone else said on this forum, that once you read something, however unlikely, it is like a seed that's planted in your head....


11-11-12, 11:33
Hi can sympathise totally with you. firstly dismissive consultants/GP's . I have paid private once before just for reassurance but unfortunately even when I was told I was fine, immediately came home googled, decided I knew more than the consultant and that they had missed an obvious problem (brain stem tumour) and got myself in a right state. I think I answered your previous post and agree that if a GP etc take the time to explain to you why it is unlikely you have a certain condition it can help to alleviate your fears. I had a MRI brain scan eventually as my GP could not reassure me and it came back clear, but I still ask the GP if this is conclusive each time I visit. They are aware I suffer from GAD and HA and do their best to reassure me. It is positive that the ENT consultant did not find anything sinister at your appointment. Unfortunately I know only too well that even being told you are fine, is sometimes not enough to stop the doubts creeping back in . :flowers:

11-11-12, 15:40
Thanks for reading, almamatters! Yes, it sounds like we're both very much in the same boat. It really doesn't help that I don't really trust my GP; it's probably unfair on him but he has referred me to consultants before - quite unnecessarily, and this has caused me to lose faith in him. It's a personality thing, he doesn't want to be dismissive but at the same time, he is unable to be reassuring because he wants me to think he takes my every complaint seriously... if you know what I mean? It has got to the point where I question his diagnoses a LOT of the time. :(

It also doesn't help that I have a personal friend who is a doctor (who has specialised in psychiatry for many years now) who actually is the sort to tell you that you have some weird and unusual condition instead of something simple!!!! I've told myself not to listen to him ever but sometimes I feel vulnerable and it really doesn't help! He hasn't practised general medicine in over a decade. I also know people who tend to chime in with their opinions on medical matters when they don't always have a clue, and it really escalates my HA at times.