View Full Version : Counselling for HA

15-08-06, 19:59
I've been waiting for an appointment for counselling, at my GPs suggestion, and I've just had a call to say they have a cancellation for tomorrow. So I've taken it up and now I'm feeling a bit stressed with "what if's" (stupid, I know, but that's me!).

Has anyone had counselling, can you tell me what to expect. I just can't cope with anything "unknown" these days. The lady told me this is an assessment, so they can get to know me and what I need and so on.

I just get in such a state when I start talking to my GP about how I'm feeling and I hate it because I end up giving a different impression to how I'm really feeling, if that makes sense. I'm sure my GP thinks I'm depressed because I burst into tears, but I'm not, I'm just anxious!

Anyway, if anyone can help me with what to expect, please let me know.

Thanks, Caroline

15-08-06, 20:32
Hi Caroline, Good luck with your appointment tomorrow. I'm sure it will be fine and the counsellor will be able to listen and assess your situation. I haven't had any counselling -the waiting time for CBT in this area is 2 years although I am attending a 1 day anxiety management workshop next week and am a bit nervous about it. Like you I end up in tears when I try to explain things to my doc so I do sympathise. Although I am mainly health anxious it has also made me depressed so I am currently on medication.
I am sure you will benefit from your session with the counsellor - you are lucky to have got a cancellation and it gives you less time to worry about going!!!!!
Please let me know how you get on. I wish you lots of luck.
Best wishes
Karen x

16-08-06, 21:20
Thanks Karen,

It actually went ok, although I did get through a fair few tissues. The counsellor was very nice and she made sense of the things we discussed. I'll now be having fortnightly appointments for at least 4 more sessions, or more if I need it.

I do feel very drained now, and my mind is working overtime. She seemed very knowledgeable about all my physical symptoms too, and she seems to think that as we "peel back the layers" mentally that hopefully I will see an improvement in the physical symptoms too.

So I feel very optimistic at the moment, it certainly seems worth pursuing for me.


16-08-06, 21:27
hi hun ive had a few counciling sessions and i was nervous at first but once i got in there and spoke for a while there was no stopping me i had 10 sessions they get to no you at first and then they start askin about your back ground and wot your childhood was like they sit and write everythink down
.youll feel alot better when you come out i promise .go for it its worth it take care love tamla

t motown

17-08-06, 16:02
So glad to hear that things went well and that you've been given more sessions. Hope its the start of your recovery. Your counsellor sounds as if she knows what she's talking about.
I wish you all the luck in the world and am sure you will benefit.
Love and best wishes
Karen xx