View Full Version : IBS and agoraphobic - so fed up :(

11-11-12, 11:47
Hi, I'm Lucy and I have just joined.
Everything started 3 years ago when me and my family went to a bonfire night about 30 mins drive from home. Had a great night. When we got back to the car my tummy felt funny, thought about going to the toilet but wanted to try and hurry home as we were all cold and hungry.
On the journey home, my tummy pains were getting worse and I knew it was dirrohea :( told my husband I needed the toilet then we passed a pub so I went in there and couldn't find the toilet anywhere and couldn't see anyone behind the bar to ask so went back outside and I was sweating and shaking and felt just awful. Now I am so ashamed to say this to strangers but I had to go, so I went in the wooded area outside the pub :(
I got back to the car and told my husband I was sick (he still doesn't know what happened) I was poorly all that night and since then I have suffered with panic attacks and now agoraphobia and I am so fed up now of being stuck here day after day.
I want to go out, I really do, but feel like I can't.
I've put on so much weight (even though I don't eat much or large portions) my hair is falling out and what's left of it feels dry and brittle.
Does anyone else out there feel like this?
Can anyone help or give me advice??

11-11-12, 11:58
Hi Lucy77

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-11-12, 12:13
Hi Lucy

So sorry to hear of your miss fortunes it sounds like your having a rough time maybe that's an understatement?

First thing i would say have you been to your GP? its a good first point of contact going to speak to a health professional there is loads of people to help but you need to take the help.

I to get panic attacks and am an anxious individual i wouldn't wish this upon my worse enemy :(

12-11-12, 16:57
My doctors are not very sympathetic or understanding I'm afraid and I just feel awkward speaking to them about this.
I really hate feeling like this and I wouldn't wish this on anyone either, the hardest part is knowing that it's simply just me making me feel like this but there is nothing I can do to stop it :(