View Full Version : Anyone got/had carpol tunnel?????

harrys mummy
11-11-12, 13:58
Hi everyone,

Have any of you had or got carpol tunnel?? Please tell me how it feels???

My middle & tumb side of my ring finger tips on both hands are numbish, I can feel it if I pinch them but there not right! They tingly too, my hands also go numb if I have them in certain positions, like if you lay on your hand then shake it out. Ive always had this happen in bed and occasionally my thumbs get cramp, again thats always happened, but now this! Two doctors have said its carpol tunnel and I'm waiting for a appointment with the nerve test guy, the first doctor tapped my wrist and it sent pins and needles to the two fingers, that convienced me for all of 30 minutes until it started on the other hand too, its also there all the time.

Ive started to notice when im driving the car my hands start to tingly like the beginning of pins and needles, even typing now Ive just had to move my arm and shake it out.

I'm 1000% convienced its MS!!!

As expected I've googled thousands of times and somewhere MS always comes up!!!

Please please help

Dawn xxx

11-11-12, 14:09
A friend of mine had carpal tunnel syndrome and she experienced tingling and numbness in her hand and fingers which appeared to be worse at night and first thing in the morning. She had some swelling in the carpel tunnel area which pressed on the median nerve.
She was given some medication by her GP and I think she worse a wrist splint for a while, but as far as I am aware it cleared up itself after about 6 months and she's not mentioned it since.
Perhaps you should get your GP to have a look. It doesn't sound at all like you have MS.
Best Wishes x

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 14:16
I had it in my left hand six months ago and it was very painful and was reflected up the arm. Being left handed did not help. My GP just told me it would clear up and did not give me anything for it as am already on painkillers for my spinal problems. He suggested I rested and not use it a much as I could and make sure I supported the wrist as much as possible. I think it took a few weeks to go. It has not come back since.


harrys mummy
11-11-12, 14:16
Thank you for the reply, both doctors I saw said the are sure its not MS but i cant get it out of my head! Im waiting for an appointment with the nerve specialist but you know what the NHS is like could be months!!!!! My father in law has MS so I know first hand what an awful awful disease it is. Ive got an 8mth of baby so its so much worse I cant imagine him having to see me deteriorate!!! Thanks again x

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 14:28
I am sure your Doctor must be right. I do not know much about MS I just assume it effects several areas not just one.

My carpol problem was down to using a mouse with on screen keyboard because of arthritis in my left wrist as I was having problems typing with the normal keyboard and not having my wrist properly supported.

I had been doing that for hours at a time working on my GPS program and overdid it. At first it was just an ache and I ignored it and carried on but that turned out to be stupid. So now I have altered by set up so my wrist is supported while doing that. No way do I want it again it was so painful with the least movement.


11-11-12, 15:47
They should be able to offer you a physio appointment for it and also give you wrist sprints to try.

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 15:53
They should be able to offer you a physio appointment for it and also give you wrist sprints to try.

Thank you for reminding me Nicola. I forgot to say I used a wrist support I had for years.

You can get them these days from places like Poundland.


harrys mummy
11-11-12, 16:42
Thank you gordon, I'll get myself one of those xx

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 16:48
Thank you gordon, I'll get myself one of those xx

This is it


They do other supports as well.

11-11-12, 20:37
hiya ive had carpel tunnel syndrome since i was pregnant with my last child hes 5 years old, i used to wake up in the night with unbearable pains and burning sensation, numbness, in my hand and arm, i shook my hand quite hard until it came back to normal, several times a night, for about 8 months, now however it only appears on waking in the mornings only after ive been on my laptop for long periods the day before, it does lesson, not very pleasant tho yours will ease too:hugs:

26-07-13, 18:09
It is reassuring to read what others are saying as I have the problem of numbness and tingling in my hands at night and cold hands and feet in the day. I am about to go on holiday but cannot get an appointment with my GP before I go. I do not think it is anything serious but just wish that a doctor could spare the time to do a simple 'Tinel' or 'Phalen' test - they are the ones to test for carpal syndrome. I daren't research too much on the internet as I know I will simply scare myself. I am trying to be mindful and live for NOW!

26-07-13, 19:03

I have terrible MS fears all of the time. Every day. My Carpal Tunnel is one of the things that started it as well.

My GP has told me she doesn't think I have anything to worry about...she recommended that I sleep with some wrist support which really helps. :) If you search carpal tunnel wrist support on amazon some great ones with reviews come up.

FYI...I was also 1000% sure I had MS on Wednesday...I even went to the doctor. :(

30-07-13, 00:36
I have had carpel tunnel syndrome. My thumb, index finger and middle finger had pins and needles in them all day. Sometimes if I had my hand in an awkard possition my whole hand would go numb with pins and needles. It sometimes woke me up in the middle of the night and in the morning I had to hake my hand to get the feeling back.
I had mine a while before going to the GP and had to have surgery to release the nerve.

30-07-13, 01:05
Hi hun. :) I have MAJOR health anxiety and MS fears...which were combined with Carpal Tunnel symptoms in the beginning. I battle with my symptoms and fears daily...but I can tell you that even just sleeping in wrist support helped me GREATLY with my CT. :) I know EXACTLY how you feel. A good friend of mine was diagnosed with MS back in May, which began my fears...