View Full Version : Fibromyalgia symptoms

15-08-06, 20:01
Hi all

Can anyone tell me what symptoms you could expect from fibromyalgia? Someone has suggested that I might have it but the doctor has never mentioned it. I understand that it can be quite hard to diagnose and that doctors are pretty sceptical about it anyway.

I have anxiety with palpitations regularly - I have done for years. I have excessive tiredness even when I think I have had enough sleep. I have intestinal problems - have been diagnised with ibs after tests to rule out anything else. I also have achiness all over, particularly in my back and shoulder blades and my legs - they just ache all the time. Plus my hands now ache too. I also suffer from tinnitus which a doctor said stems from having a very clicky jaw.

I am fed up with feeling like this. [V]

Jo Fitzgerald

15-08-06, 22:17
hi there jo,
I get anxiety and palps, usually it ahppens when im least expecting it, sometimes worse than others but all the same is frightning.
The anxiety makes me tired and sometimes gives me a restless night, even when it doesnt I can feel exhaused. Its just our bodies working overtime, a bit like an hour on the tred mill at the gym!
I do ache sometimes in my arms and legs-this was one of my first worries, why was i getting these pains all the time? i've come to understand its usually different muscles reacting to anxiety when we are not actually working them. Sometimes I get pains in my hands but not all that much, I think over time ive had most symptoms of anxiety, its hard to deal with but this site has been a real help and I dont know where I would have been without it sometimes.
Hope this message gives you some piece of mind, its good you have been to your gp, its wearing feeling this way i know but rise above it when you can. you will find that it will pass, may be to some other symptoms but they will pass in time too.
Hugs, ali x

16-08-06, 12:42
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 6 years ago and had never heard of it until my GP told me I had it.

It takes many forms and has many symptoms and syndromes associated with it, affecting each person differently. As it seems to run in tandem with anxiety and depression you will find that a lot of the symptoms you are experiencing are common to both.

My main symptoms are:

aching in all parts of the body (legs, back, arms, head you name it!)
palpitations (periodically)
stabbing or burning sensations in the muscles
acid reflux
irritable bowel (classic symptom of fibro)
costochondritis (soreness and pain in the ribs attached to the sternum)
blurred vision or misty sensation in the vision
fibrofog (difficulty in recalling common words or phrases, names etc.)
frequent muscular discomfort from performing repetitive tasks (i.e. keyboard use)
periods of non-descript fatigue
pins and needles in feet and hands
intolerance of extremes of weather

these are to name but a few, but that is not to say that you will suffer from all of them.

There are a lot of books available on Fibromyalgia and you would be advised just to educate yourself generally on the causes and effect of this condition.

There's a very good website, similar to this one, but which is run for and by people with fibro which gives lots of info. and support which you may want to converse with.


Go the Fibromyalgia message board.

Good luck and take it easy - that's the only way to deal with Fibromyalgia for which no-one as yet has come up with a cure!!

16-08-06, 15:19
I have noticed that, that site is for sale but I found this one >>>>>

Cath x

17-08-06, 17:48
Oops my mistake
The site you need is


(the non-hyphenated one!)