View Full Version : New member Adele panic attacks

11-11-12, 14:25
Hi there my name is Adele i was given the name of this site by my gp. For 5 years i have been suffering from swallowing anxiety and thinking im going to swallow my tongue and die!! I have really bad panic attacks which make me faint, loose concentration, feel like im loosing my mind, sick and cant breathe!! My gp has prescribed me diazipan but as im at home alone most days with my daughter i cant take them untill i have an attack when my partner is home as they make me really sleepy!! I wont do things that i normally would ie. wont carry hoover upstairs as i may fall down and break my neck!! Wont go to thebathroom without my mobile and house phone just incase i fall through the floor into basement and cant get out. Its really ruining my life :( can anyone help me please!!

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 14:29

11-11-12, 14:35
Hi Sassy11

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-11-12, 14:39
Hi :welcome:

11-11-12, 14:55
I think you need to revisit your doctor to change the tablets.

Also, it's noty good for a young mum to be alone all day. Habe you thought about joing your local 'meet-a-mum'?

11-11-12, 15:59
I have appointment with gp next week, i would love to join a group but with my attacks i find they are worse in social situations!! I am being refered to a mental health expert next month to see if they can help...i find my attacks are getting worse each time i have one!! Scared to go anywhere incase i have one in the street :(

11-11-12, 20:24
Hi sassy
It sounds like typical anxiety hun and it is simply feeding off your fear and 'growing bigger', so the attacks get worse...it creates a vicious cycle unfortunately BUT the good news is it can be broken. In my opinion Diazepam is not the answer, I was on them for a fair while many years ago and yes they do make you sleepy but they seemed to me to be very short acting and didn't really do the job for me. I reckon you just need a diifferent med, I was on Citalopram for many years and it worked wonders - it's a different group of meds to Diazepam and there are many more within the same group of SSRI's so I would suggest talking to your doc about these. When you find the right one for you the irrational thoughts will go away, trust me I'm an old hand lol :D Feel free to PM me if you want to, I'm not saying I'm an expert but boy have I had years of experience :wacko: xx

11-11-12, 21:27
Welcome to the forums, Adele! :) You'll find plenty of support here.

11-11-12, 22:43
Welcome to NMP Adele,you will find lots of help here from fellow sufferers.

Take care, Fishy