View Full Version : anxiety attacts

11-11-12, 15:02
Hi am new to this site i just signed up a few minutes ago dont know how to use it properly asyet. I remember around 3 years ago i smoked a lot of marijuana and that trigured an anxiety attact though i have been smoking for years and it never happened but this one time it happened and i have been suffering from this from since but its not bad as before its very mild now somtimes it just happens when am looking at tv maybe thats where i think a lot when am just sitting there. But iwould like for it to go away completely.anyone wants to help i would realy appreciate it.Thanks...

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 15:07

17-11-12, 22:23
Welcome to the gang goodtimes! :D

For most of us, we've all been there and done that. I remember my college days was full of booze and marijuana being the frat boy/party animal I am. It never really got to me until my junior year when I had my first ever panic attack. As my panic and anxiety subsided, I went back to my old habits until I graduated and I simply "grew up".

The crazy thing about smoking marijuana is while some people believe it can calm your anxiety, there's always the possibility of having adverse effects and become paranoid and more anxious. I can't say I learned that the hard way, but I do remember there were times smoking marijuana made me feel anxious rather than relaxed and calm.

I'm happy to say I've stopped the habit of smoking marijuana and it has had a good effect in dealing with my anxiety and panic. I would consider to stop smoking marijuana altogether since it seems like it definitely triggers anxiety attacks for you.

Also, do you drink as well too? We all know young adults indulge in drinking (like myself), but it's not a good thing if you're dealing with anxiety/panic. I've cut back on my drinking as I only do it on weekends and stick with beer. The thing about alcohol is the day after when you're dealing with your hangover, it amplifies your anxiety.

18-11-12, 07:49
I had the same problem as you, too much marijuana when I was younger. Even the smell of it on someones clothes now makes me panic.

I also have similar symptoms to you and can relate to panic when resting, the mind has time to check the body for any signs of tenseness. When this happens, I make sure all my muscles are relaxed and tell myself to accept the negative thoughts that I am having.