View Full Version : To remove or not to remove?

11-11-12, 15:45
After finally going to the doctor to have a small patch of skin underneath my chest checked out it turns out to be nothing to worry about. Apparently basal cell papilloma which is totally harmless. The doctor said I could have it removed with cryotherapy if it really bothers me. Has anyone here had this done before? I'm thinking I should be satisfied knowing it's nothing sinister but the vain part of me is not entirely happy with this mark, albeit small, on my skin. Will there be a mark left anyway from the cryotherapy? Should have asked the doctor more but I was that relieved to hear it wasn't something serious that I didn't really ask what I wanted to know and we moved on to discuss something else!

11-11-12, 16:07
I have had cryo to remove these before and my husband had a large one removed from his face. It has not left any mark at all. My husband says it didn't hurt at all but I am a softy and would say that it did sting a little bit :D

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 16:14
I had liquid nitrogen Cryosurgery many years ago in my teens to remove a very large and painful verruca.

They injected into the centre of the verruca and was warned that the first few seconds of the injection would hurt like nothing I could imagine then I would feel nothing as the rest went in. Once injected the verruca was frozen solid and it was snipped out using surgical scissors. No after pain but it bled like hell for a hour or so and the dressings had to be changed a few times in that. Healing was quick and there was no scar.

What I have said is a bit gruesome but it was well worth it. Of course a verruca is not as you have and it has to be sorted as it just grows and gets painful.

I suggest you talk more to your Doctor about you problem and ask what he would do if it was him.


Forgot to say the injection pain was only because it was a verruca that was already so painful I could not walk on that foot so injecting into it was adding to that pain.

11-11-12, 16:19
When myself and my husband had ours done it was just like an aerosol spray that they sprayed onto the mole thingy (lol, not sure what it is called but like a mole). It just dropped off a few days later without any complications. :)

11-11-12, 16:38
I'm liking the sound of an aerosol spray and it just dropping off better than Gordon's experience!! Any medical situation will make me anxious so I need to know I'm not going to be putting myself through something too horrible when it's not really an essential medical procedure after all. :)

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 16:41
I am sure they would use a spray as well. Verrucas need extreme measures when they get out of control.


11-11-12, 16:57
and Gordon's was many, many, many, many years ago in the olden days :roflmao:

---------- Post added at 16:57 ---------- Previous post was at 16:54 ----------

Before aerosols where invented :roflmao:

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 16:58
and Gordon's was many, many, many, many years ago in the olden days :roflmao:

Yup 51 to be precise. Am glad you remembered being there holding my hand in the operating theatre.

11-11-12, 16:59
Yes and I Fainted while they did it to you Fozzy!

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 17:02
Yes and I Fainted while they did it to you Fozzy!

True. I was so pleased to have you there as my Mum could not go and asked you as my Granddads older sister to look after me.

11-11-12, 17:07
You are obviously going senile in your old age Gordon as I am sure I was there as your great great niece :D

11-11-12, 17:13
With any luck, and modern practices, hand holding and fainting will not feature if I decide to go for treatment! :winks:

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 17:16
You are obviously going senile in your old age Gordon as I am sure I was there as your great great niece :D

Not at all to take my mind off the operation, as we sat in the waiting room, you showed me the birthday letter you had from the Queen, [Victoria that is].

You sent me a copy a few months ago for the family history program on my computer and I scanned it in.

Do you want me to post it here to jog your memory?

11-11-12, 17:17
I've had it done with the spray, won't lie it did hurt but it didn't last long at least. Then it was over!

11-11-12, 17:18
After having it done once and me having a very low pain threshold, I would have it done again. My youngest son had a wart removed the same way and didn't feel anything. So hand holding and fainting will not feature at all. :D

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 17:19
With any luck, and modern practices, hand holding and fainting will not feature if I decide to go for treatment! :winks:

Am sure that will be the case. They still use the method I had but only in extreme problem cases such as very bad and large verrucas.

Ann really did not faint she only had a senior moment.

11-11-12, 17:19
I think you will find that it was your own birthday message Gordon :D

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 17:21
I think you will find that it was your own birthday message Gordon :D

Deffo not. Will did dig it out and also get copy of the date etc from my medical records at the Doctors in the next few days and post them here.

11-11-12, 17:24
I remember your birthday message well Gordon...it was the first time I had seen a penny black stamp :D

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 17:29
I remember your birthday message well Gordon...it was the first time I had seen a penny black stamp :D

Oh I forgot about that Granddad gave it to me and when your brother told you, you said I could have given him loads but they are all used from letters and postcards you got. I had never lessen a groat until you showed me the one you kept that you got for your first year's wages. You should have spent it but I then realised you had no need for it an institution. How much is is worth now?
Never been in coin collecting.

11-11-12, 17:36
Gordon...I didn't even know what a groat was! I had to ask my husband so you and he have really given your ages away now :roflmao:

---------- Post added at 17:36 ---------- Previous post was at 17:33 ----------

Any way...getting back to the point of this conversation..Smileforawhile, they will use the spray and it will sting a bit when they spray it on as it is below freezing and then it will drop off in a few days and you will be fine..I would have it done :)