View Full Version : Withdrawal from citalopram to escitalopram. Side effects?

11-11-12, 15:45
Hi Everyone,
I`m new to this forum and was seeking advice please.

I have been on 40mg Citalopram for a few months now for anxiety/depression and sadly I have found that the medication hasn`t suited and I have been affected by a number of side effects.

I saw my GP on Friday and we agreed to switch to Escitalopram. Since that time my anxiety has shot up, and my emotions are all over the place. It feels like I am not taking any medication at all....

The GP on Friday had withdrawn the 40mg of Citalopram for 20mg of Escitalopram with immediate effect. So I took the last Citalopram dosage on Thursday and have taken the first Escitalopram tablet on Friday (now Sunday). I appreciate they are equivelant dosages but was unaware that there would be changeover effects as I thought the medication is closely related.

Has anyone else experienced this? and is it normal to see such changeover side-effects when switching between both drugs, and if so how long should I expect them to last

Many thanks in advance.