View Full Version : An introduction and about my anxiety

11-11-12, 16:53
Hi, I'm Mizkazooka, or Mizka, Miz, whatever you want to call me. I've had issues with anxiety for all 18 years of my life so when I found this forum I figured it would be a good idea to join.
I've never been stuck with one type of anxiety. I had social anxiety up until I was about 12 or so; as the social anxiety went away the feelings got channeled into eating disordered behavior. I've just recently begun to recover from that but now I'm having horrible health anxiety and most likely OCD as well (I'm pretty certain I've had OCD my entire life though since even when I was little I've had habits that if not completed made me horribly anxious).
The most recent bout of strong anxiety, the one that led me to this forum, was when I was singing about a week and a half ago and I felt a strange pop under my rib cage, to the left of my sternum. It didn't hurt but it felt and sounded kind of... fleshy? For lack of a better word. Then a few days later my stomach, as in the organ itself, would rumble and feel as though it was moving around whenever I tensed my abdominal muscles to sing. It was really worrying for me since this had never happened before in the 5 years I've been singing. I immediately feared I'd given myself some sort of hernia and my online searching confirmed my suspicions. Since then, maybe just because of anxiety and the placebo effect on top of my IBS, I've had a lot of other symptoms, including a ton of (non-acidic) belching, stabbing pains, and difficulty swallowing food (it feels like anything I eat gets stuck in my throat) I went to the doctor a few days ago and she said I have acid reflux and gave me some prilosec. However the medicine didn't alleviate any of my symptoms and it just made me feel incredibly nauseous on top of everything else.
So I'm still worrying about what's going on, and I can't sing until it sorts itself out because the grumbling starts back (and I get what feels like acid reflux, except it doesn't burn at all, which I find pretty disconcerting). I'm hoping it will go away but there's a part of me telling me to just give it up and pick up an instrument or something because I obviously am too sickly to sing.

But anyway, that's my story in a nutshell. I tend to be a little shy but I'm sure I'll like it here. :)

11-11-12, 17:04
Hi Mizkazooka

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 17:05

11-11-12, 18:21
Hi :welcome: xx

11-11-12, 19:45
A very big warm :welcome: to you.