View Full Version : Some advice please?

11-11-12, 17:14
Hello Everyone,

I havent posted on here in so long!! i dont know why i havent.

Ok basically im pregnant :) :D i am very excited but also very nervous as i had a m/c earlier this year.

I am now 17 weeks pregnant so still very early. But i dont really know how to explain this, i feel very weird! Like i all day feel very light headed and dizzy even though my iron levels are good as i had all my blood test results back this week. I currently have Acid Reflux which is the only thing i know i have got which i take Peptac for when needed. However, like through out the day i start to feel so weird it happens 2/3 times a day sometimes a bit more, my body just feels like its going to shut down, i feel weak and (as stupid as this may sound) my body feels as though its going to collapse and go into a fit. I know this probs sounds really weird but i dont know whether this is just another form of my Panic Attacks but just coming out in a different way or if there is actually something wrong with me, considering i have had all them blood tests done im just not sure. I dont want to keep getting to Panicky because i dont want to put stress on the baby. Im just wondering if anyone else has ever felt like this, with the weak feeling as if your body is going to collapse.

So sorry for the essay, i didnt know where else to turn to! as i dont want to sound like an idiot going to the doctor again, i should move into that place haha.

Please any advice will be so helpful to me. please. thank you x x

11-11-12, 19:45
Did you mean 17 weeks as that's not that early? I think dizziness and feeling exhausted as weak is pretty common in the first trimester and last. X x

11-11-12, 20:18
Yeahhh i think i think its still early because April seems so long away lol. ohh okayy thank you x x

11-11-12, 20:26
Bless you! You're nearly half way!! I get that awful weak feeling as part of my panic attacks, but also around my period, so maybe it's hormonal as well.
I just posted asking people about their experiences of pregnancy and anxiety so thanks for this post. It's really helpful.
I'm hoping to be pregnant soon!! :) x x

11-11-12, 20:32
Ohh yeah thats true i didnt think about the period bit because i never used to feel some of these sort of symptoms with my Panic Attacks before, oh okay i will have a look at your post. I hope you get pregnant soon and i hope you have a very happy and healthy pregnancy :) Thank you for your advice!! :) xxx