View Full Version : Multivitamins

11-11-12, 17:53
I am taking Advanced Nutrition Complex Multivitamins from Higher Nature, you take 3 a day with each meal. I had my tea at around 4ish .. and I think I forgot to take my supplement, now I don't remember if I took it or not.... when I thought that.. but then I took one at 5 as I thought I'd forgotten to take one at 4.. now I don't know if I took one at 4, and I am scared in case I have taken too many and instead of the 3 a day you are meant to take I am terrified in case I have taken an extra would mean.. 4.. I pray I haven't, I really do. I am beyond terrified and scared myself more googling all the recommended dosages of multivitamins etc. I also have a phobia of s* so I am petrified of that too.. well to be honest that's the reason I am typing here that is what I am fearing.... :'( I pray so much I didn't take too many. And nothing will happen to me, and that won't happen. I am so scared and feel so stupid not remembering :(

11-11-12, 18:06
I don't think anything bad will happen to you and I have never heard of anyone getting ill from taking one extra multivitamin a day to be honest.

I think you will be fine.

11-11-12, 18:12
Thank you, I hope you are right. I hope I'll be fine, thank you. x

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 18:21
I agree with Nicola.

With most vitamins you would have to take buckets of them to overdose.

Even then there would no or little effect as the body would not absorb them, and they would pass out of the system in your urine very quickly as unwanted. Vitamin C for example any more than the body needs is just got rid of harmlessly.


11-11-12, 19:48
Thank you, I hope you are right.. thank you for replying :)

12-11-12, 00:04
don,t worry, one more vitamin will definately not harm you, like fozzy says what your body dosnt need will be disregarded n expelled, they wouldn,t be as easily available if they were harmful
take care
karen xxx :hugs:

12-11-12, 06:07
I may be wrong but for people like us with various anxiety problems Vitamin B complex is by far the best to take .

I think there is a lot of hype about vitamins. A good balanced diet is far more beneficial.

12-11-12, 11:54
thats right as long as your appetite is fine but they can be beneficial for people who dont eat too well or the right things, vit b complex is the one to try for anxiety n depression because one of the things it helps is the nerveous system, also st johns wort, but only if your not taking anti depressants because there are contradictions with taking both, hope this helps xxx
karen :hugs:

12-11-12, 15:01
thats right as long as your appetite is fine but they can be beneficial for people who dont eat too well or the right things, vit b complex is the one to try for anxiety n depression because one of the things it helps is the nerveous system, also st johns wort, but only if your not taking anti depressants because there are contradictions with taking both, hope this helps xxx
karen :hugs:

Thanks karen,

I said on another thread that my psychiatrist told me the same that anti depressants and St.Johns Wort shouldn't be taken together,but somebody said the opposite. I think you are right.