View Full Version : MS everywhere I look!!

harrys mummy
11-11-12, 19:02
Me again!!!

I mentioned in one of previous posts that wherever I look at the moment MS is there!!!

Joined twitter for the first time, following afew people including Scott Mills and his producer Beccy, she has just been diagnosed with MS!!! OMG!!!

Been searching which I know isnt good but cant find out what her first symptoms were!? Im driving myself nuts!


11-11-12, 19:39
My friend has ms, she leads a normal healthy life. She started with a numb leg and one side of her face. Tiredness. Shes 26 x

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 19:47
Me again!!!

I mentioned in one of previous posts that wherever I look at the moment MS is there!!!

Joined twitter for the first time, following afew people including Scott Mills and his producer Beccy, she has just been diagnosed with MS!!! OMG!!!

Been searching which I know isnt good but cant find out what her first symptoms were!? Im driving myself nuts!


MS is one of the top 10 things Health Anxiety sufferers worry about. There are others as you will know such as brain tumours and heart attacks to name only another 2 of the top 10.

Use google to look at any and of course you will find so many with one of them but that does not mean the search has it or it is going to effect us all to the extent we will all get it.

In most cases you will have more chance of winning the lottery without buying a ticket.

Dr Google is not your friend or anyone's. He should be struck of the medical register.


Anxious lu
11-11-12, 19:48
I know exactly how you feel hunny I know of 7 people with this two personally and 3 others that live near me..

It makes me think omg this don't as rare as its made out to be.. But you have spoken to two doctors who both think the same that you dont have it.. Not that that makes a difference I've had an MRI with no abnormalities and still think I have ms...

It's hard isnt when to you in your head it's so clear and obvious .. 'I have ms, why can't anyone see this'

You are fine hun I try to ignore my thoughts of ms although they are always there to niggle..

Ever want to chat pm me x

12-11-12, 01:04
I saw the letters MS on a magazine cover(it was the only two letters i could see from where i was) on Friday. Wondering if it's a sign or something...really disturbing stuff.

Anxious lu
12-11-12, 01:25
No way lol I only find this funny because I work in a department store and was out on lingerie the other day and they had a fanxy bra with a name (cant remember the name now) but it has ms is the title .. Two seperate words but I managed to put the two together and I even asked if it was a special bra for people with ms.. They were like ..'what?!?' it doesn't even say ms

Earlier tonight i had a random pain In my arm.. Felt it and it felt numb to touch.. Made all my house mates touch it and I could feel them
But not my own touch.. Panicked me so much.. Forgot about it and felt it again earlier and it's fine?!? How random... Ms?

---------- Post added at 01:25 ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 ----------

I say it's fine it still feels weird but I can feel tickle and other touch just not my own gentle touch

12-11-12, 01:41
Oh and i saw the MS commercial yesterday the one "it all started with a tingling in my leg". I swear MS meant nothing to me until i got curious and read one of the stickies on here and googled it.

12-11-12, 08:33
A friend of my has just been told she has MS and the strange thing is when we worked together I had the symptoms of MS or Fibromyalgia (this is before I suffered from Anxiety,I think)

And I told her about them as she was tired all the time and found it hard to do anything and I thought it was maybe Fibromyalgia, But then she was signed of work with CFS and 2 years later she has been told it is MS.
But know she has been told what it is she has been advised to get her life going again and start back to work and try to do everything she was before it all started.

But it made me wonder if I have it like some one said if I see it plastered everywhere I think about it or if it pops up in a tv program I think it is aimed at me.

But in the end it is not it is just coincidence not kismet

harrys mummy
12-11-12, 10:03
Its so hard, we all know what we've got to do just putting it in to practice is so hard!! I've been up most of the night googling symptoms again!! My fingers feel horrible this morning so I'm convienced more than ever!!! I don't know anymore xx

12-11-12, 10:40
Its so hard, we all know what we've got to do just putting it in to practice is so hard!! I've been up most of the night googling symptoms again!! My fingers feel horrible this morning so I'm convienced more than ever!!! I don't know anymore xx

Hi, it maybe a long shot way not phone the MS helpline 0808 800 8000 and discuss how you feel with them and maybe they will be able to calm your thoughts on having MS.
As they would most proberly be the best to advise on this

Anxious lu
12-11-12, 11:30
Stop googling.. It wont make your anxiety any better but it will stop it from getting worse..

Do you think I should stop worrying about ms as ive had an MRI which
was 100% normal apparently..

I am obsessing over it its unhealthy .. as you are too :(