View Full Version : holiday worries

08-06-04, 17:08
I have just found this forum and it is so nice to know I am not going mad. I have recently started having panic attacks after moving house from London to Manchester, which has meant leaving my job and all my friends. I am not very good at dealing with the panic attacks as they seem to come out of nowhere . My GP has been quite unhelpful and as I am going on holiday tomorrow (which terrifies me!) I wondered if anyone had any tips. Its the dizzy/faint feeling I find it hardest to deal with and am worried I am going to collapse in the middle of the airport!

08-06-04, 17:39
Hi Sarah

Welcome to the site, you will find so much support and help on here.

I like yourself suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. I have just come back from holiday with my 9 year old daughter and just like you i was totally phased by the airport, aeroplane journey, but i kept reminding myself that i could do it and even people who dont suffer panic attacks find flying very nerve racking. Grab some positive thoughts and remember its a holiday your going on, where when you are there, its your time to chill out, relax and enjoy yourself. Where are you going and whom with? Panic attacks are horrible and for anyone who hasnt suffered on you could never truly explain how you feel, but hold onto your rational thinking, you arent going to lose control and the attack wont last eternally. Have you tried Rescue Remedy if you doctors is not been helpful. All health shops and boots sell it and it does help calm you down in the midst of anxiety. I am sure you will be fine on your holidays, and remember booking the holiday and going is a positive step, you could have given into the panic attacks and chose not to go on holiday but you are pushing yourself to do it. Well done. Enjoy your break.

Take care.

08-06-04, 17:48
Thank you...
I am going to France with my Fiancee, but he finds it very hard to understand how I am feeling. He is very sympathetic but it is impossible to describe the overwhelming feelings to someone who hasnt experienced them.
Oh well, lots of deep breathing and I'll buy some rescue remedy!

08-06-04, 18:04
Hi Sarah,

Most partners never really understand, The good ones learn what to do to help and support , the bad ones don't do anything .

Have a good time.


08-06-04, 18:58
Hi Sarah

Welcome to the site.

Good luck on the holiday. Once there try to relax as much as possible, enjoy the scenary and if possible get some rescue remedy as you can sip that liberally (in water) if you feel anxious or panicky.

Let us know how it goes?


08-06-04, 19:37
Hi Sarah

I hope you have a lovely holiday in France. Although your partner doesnt understand the full extent of what you are going through, always remember he is there by your side.

Enjoy the break and i hope the weather is lovely for you.

Take care.

Sal xxxx

14-06-04, 07:34
Hiya Sarah,

Sorry I have just received this topic.

Welcome to our family here. :)

As Salbrunny said you will get loads of advice and support here.

Sorry to hear that your GP is`nt being very helpful. Sad is`nt it? Honestly though this is something very typical alot of the time.

Moving house and leaving your job and friends is very stressful. So no wonder you are feeling anxious/panicky.

I hope all is well and your flight went well.

I hope you enjoyed your trip. After all that is what you went to do right? :)

Good that your fiance is supportive atleast. Even if he does not understand the full affects of this disorder.

You are sooo right. It is impossible to explain the feeling we get to someone who has`nt actually experienced this awful thing.

Of course we would`nt wish this on anyone, but at times if we could inflict the physical affects of these attacks on a person to better help them understand then I just wonder how many of us would decline the opportunity??????

HMMMMMM, something to ponder ey????? LOL..... :-D

Just kidding.

For future reference just try to stay as positive and calm as possible.

Deep breathing like you said and distraction techniques always good. eg. a good book, a crossword puzzle, a relaxation CD on your walkman and some rescue remedy just in case.

Also I read on another thread about keeping a bottle of "LAVENDAR OIL" on hand just to sniff when needed. It is supposed to be very calming just with a sniff or two.

I myself will keep a bottle of that on hand at all times. :)

Very easy to use and easy on the nose. ;)

I hope this has been a bit helpful.

Post to let us know how the holiday went okay?

Take care,

Diana xxx

14-06-04, 07:41

I just wanted to post to say I am so happy to hear that you are doing well. ;)

Glad that you and your daughter were able to go on holiday. :)

Well done you for coping so well with everything.

Sounds like you are back to your old self again. ;)

Look at you, giving great advice now. That is awesome!!!!!!!

Take care sweetie.

I hope all is well with you and your daughter.


Diana xoxoxo