View Full Version : Visual Problems- Lights, Spots, Oh. My

16-08-06, 01:30
Hello Friends

I was recently speaking in chat about my " latetst" symps which has been unnerving me to no end
As with other physical sensations and symps this has been triggering anxiety and panic in me
Approximately a week ago on a sunny Saturday, I was going into the bank with hubby to do a major transaction
Upon walking into the bank, I began to see spots in front of my eyes as if someone had just taken a photo of me with a flash- you know how you see spots for a few minutes afterwards?
For some reason I got very nervous and anxious
I went to the opthamologist a fellow who I have been using for a year or so
Nice enough guy but rather eccentric
I told him that in addition to the spots I had also gotten flashes of light in the past
He asked a bunch of questions: how long did it last, did the flashing lights look like someone shutting and then opening an overhead light quickly and so on
Of course at this point I started to freak and then more so when he asked if I had ever gone to a retina man- meaning a retina doc
Oh my goodness, I was quickly becoming a wreck or I should say more of one
I asked if there was anything to freak about and he calmly said " no."
He did state that I am VERY nearsighted ,as he is, and that this tends to happen to very nearsighted people
He added that due to age ( I am not a spring chicken ) the vitreous humour in the eye also simply known as the "gel" drys up and causes floaters ( I have had those for ages now- those annoying black spots at first which I thought were spiders in my face thus intially I would always flail my arms about my head trying to make the "bugs" go away-LOL)
The gel pulls on the retina I suppose which is like a windowshade thus it lets light in
At the end of the visit he said if I get anymore flashes to call him- I asked if he meant if I get one more or two or three and he said one.
I left his office and went to an evening service in church
Well, believe it or not I see a flash
OMG what do I do now?
The doc is no longer in the office
I then see another flash of light
Yipes now I am really cranking up the adrenaline meter
Well, next thing I know I heard thunder or at least what I thought and hoping was thunder
The service ended and I asked one of the young people as I saw yet another flash, " Listen, dear, I dont want you to think I am batty but I was at the eye doc earlier blah blah blah, is it my eyes or was that lightening?" The young man responded that yes in fact it was lightening outside. Whew
It did so the entire 15 min drive home
I was a mess
Kept wanting to roll down the car window and ask the person next to me " Is it lightening?" for at this point I was over the top thinking it was my eyes and not the weather
The only other visual problem I had in the past was seing on the outer part of my vision something akin to a shimmering haze or a digitalized effect
The eye doc lady I was using at the time said that was an occular migraine although I did not always get a headache with it- I just recall brightness bothered me even from the white paper in front of me from work
Earlier today, I had a somewhat heated conversation with my grown daughter ( actually I was restraining myself and perhaps should not have )who is in the process of making wedding plans. I came into the house and saw one spot a bright one in my vision and that set me off. Sigh
Currently I have been having a dull headache in the forehead- it almost feels as if my forehead is too tight- friends have said that is tension as well as sinuses. Also my eyes hurt as in a muscular, tired sense
I do apologize for the lenghty posting
I adore the chat and this forum as a whole and find it all to be a wonderful blessing
Thank you for your support and all your input



" I have developed a new philosophy.....I only dread one day at a time." Charlie Brown

16-08-06, 14:44
Hi Soup,

Well my dear you know my story as I already spoke to you in chat. I do hope you ease your mind about this and if it continues to worry you seek a second opinion.

As for your daughter getting married, congratulations and good luck, lol. My mother and I had a few words planning my wedding too, I think it is just part of it. Try and relax and take care of you my soup.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

23-08-06, 14:28
I have had a floater in my left eye for nearly a year now and have just got back from my holiday and yesterday whilst at the seaside on a day out I started seeing these flashes and wavy lines in my right eye, they are still there today and I'm getting worried, I have not said anything to my husband just trying to keep busy and hoping they will go. I remember when I got the floater in my left eye it was very scary. Hope your eyes are ok now.

23-08-06, 14:37
Hi there

I used to get little prickly white flashes of light all the time, they used to freak me out all the time, but as my anxiety subsided so did they.

Katycat - I have floaters in both eyes all the time, it is a symptom of anxiety chuck, In find when I;m out it helps reduce them if I wear sunglasses.

Take care

Elaine x

23-08-06, 16:19
Hi Elaine
Have got my sunglasses on now and have just phoned my optician up and he is going to check my eye tomorrow morning just to be on the safe side.

23-08-06, 18:32
That's good Katy. let us know how u get on

Take care

El;aine x

24-08-06, 13:22
Been to my optician this morning and he has checked both eyes thoroughly and said he could see the floaters but the retina was ok which was the main concern. He said just keep a watch and if I notice any changes in my sight to go to the doctor, the flashes in the eye have now stopped just got the black swirls, he said they may go eventually.

24-08-06, 17:35
Hi Katy

Glad everything is ok and that it has helped you to accept the floaters, they really go in my nerves especially if it is a sunny day as they seem to be worse, have the sunglasses helped?

Take care

Elaine x

24-08-06, 18:58
Yes the sunglasses do help, had them on in town today and this afternoon whilst on the PC, they help block out the floaters which are annoying me especially whilst on the PC or reading.

27-08-06, 01:59
I read your original posting and then your subsequent one
I am SO glad the optician said all was ok
As I said in my post as I started this thread, my latest "thing" has been my vision
I am going bacl to my old eye doc next week
The current and new one said it was ok but being who I am I am just rechecking
Don't know your vision but he said that very near sighted people such as myself have more of a problem with this then others
I still add that anxiety makes it worse as it can any of our symptoms
I found that toning down the screen in terms of brightness on the computer may help - ie so the white is not that bright
Mine has been better the past few days but that is probably because NOW I am worried about something else ROFL for the time being that is.
I said to hubby tonight in the car- " Is it lightening?" as I thought I saw two flashes- nope he said- so I guess the flashes returned somewhat.
I have a male friend who has the flashes all the time- he refers to himself as an old flasher- LOL- said he keeps thinking the police are trying to pull him over- as in the flashing light on top of the police car
He went to his eye doc and was told the flashes are from the floaters and there isnt a thing to do about it
Hope you are feeling somewhat calmer
PM if you want to compare who's light show is better- yours or mine LOL



" I have developed a new philosophy.....I only dread one day at a time." Charlie Brown

27-08-06, 09:00
Hi Soup
Thanks for your message, like you I'm also near sighted which apparently means we are more prone to these floaters and flashes. I hope your eye check up goes ok, I'm sure it will. I always like to get these things checked out just to be on the safe side.
I keep thinking my floaters are flies when I'm outside LOL.
Take care

28-08-06, 13:14
Hi Soup,

I had an incidence where I had a huge spot blocking my vision. It would fade in and out. It started like a bright gold pinpoint of light and progressed across my visual field. I would only have peripheral vision when this occurred. My mother drove me to the hospital. They gave me tests, and then a valium tablet. When I relaxed more, my visual field improved greatly. I still see an occasional pinpoint of light, but usually only for a few seconds and not very often. That incidence occurred about 30 years ago. I seems that it was stress related. Anxiety causes a miriad of symptoms.


28-08-06, 17:14
Hi Soup,

Glad your eyes are a bit better, but now I wonder what you are worried more about now? If I can help, please pm me.

Thinking of you,


"Our thoughts are our reality"