View Full Version : any advice please

11-11-12, 19:13
Hi lovely people,
As many of you know ive suffered for many years with panic and anxiety however mine is pinpointed my fear is death and i know im not going to die in a pa. my daughter who is 15 has been having anxiety for a while and we have dealt with it through breathing and distraction, last night though took a whole new leel and she had a major panic attack i thought all was well until it happened again tonight! im out of my depth as our panic attacks are worlds apart any advice would be much appreciated.
desperate mother here! xxxxx

11-11-12, 19:34
Probably telling you what you already know: Keep her cool, get her in the garden if you can, I think heat exacerbates a panic attack. Get rid of any loud noise - TV etc. Talk to her soothingly and try to reason with her about what is causing the attack, if anything in-particular, iced water, if you can get her to drink.

Sorry I couldn't be of any more help.

All the best.

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 19:39
Awe Stacey,

You have the Bear crying for you. I always had a fear of death and still have most of the time. Still this silly old Bear is still here and so are you. He is a hell of a lot nearer to his maker as he is so much older.

If you want to discuss our silly but real fear 1 to 1 any time then please contact me.

Have some hugs to wipe away your tears.



11-11-12, 20:23
bobby dog ty so much yh thats what im trying but reasurance goes a long way! fozzy i would def talk to you one on one hun xx

11-11-12, 21:39
hi stace
my daughter has panic attacks and its horrible ...
its bad enough when we have them but watching them go through it is rubbish.
people think she is having an asthma attack but of coarse she isnt.
i dont have any advice hun but i do know you are a brilliant mother and will get her the best help.
sending love to you both

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 22:01
bobby dog ty so much yh thats what im trying but reasurance goes a long way! fozzy i would def talk to you one on one hun xx

Any-time you feel the need you can do just that.


11-11-12, 23:43
I suffer stress and panic attacks and one thing that seems to help is what a mental health nurse told me,
as soon as it hits, listen and try to hear three different things, ie birds chirping, dishwasher going, etc etc any three things will do, then try and smell two different things, this is actually working for me! as it pulls you back out of yourself so to speak and gives you something else to concentrate on, hope this helps as I know how horrible this is, best wishes

16-11-12, 14:35
Thanks rach and shomba, it is awful rach shes having them everyday at school which is more frustrating coz im not there to help! shomba ive been trying that with her thanks hun xxxxx

16-11-12, 15:12
My daughter has serious health issues at the moment in fact she has had a constant migraine for 4 months and developed IBS whilst at Uni,.(4 years ago) The doctors and specialists are gradually ruling out certain conditions but now I see her developing anxiety symptoms with panic attacks and dizzyness and because I have suffered for 30+ years with panic disordr I feel guilty that i have passed this on to her through my genes. I find it very hard not to show her my anxiety and she won't take any medication partly because she has seen what it has done for me.
it's a viscious circle for us both.

16-11-12, 16:12
Hi Ricardo, sorry to hear about your daughter its awful isnt it! i too feel guilty as my daughter has seen lots of my panic unfortunately being a single mum its been hard to hide from the children. I hope your daughter gets the help xx