View Full Version : Back to square 1

11-11-12, 19:27
Had been doing really well yesterday and today. Any signs of dizziness I was ignoring and telling to go away. I went to a mental health support group yesterday and felt really positive.

Then tonight I got in the bath and lay back and everything began to move, dizziness was awful so I quickly sat up. Then to test it out I lay back again and the same thing happened. Now I feel so down and panicky again it's as if I'm back to square one. Convinced its definately a brain tumour now. I
Can't believe it's all down to anxiety.

Does anyone else have this happen to them?

fozzy is crying
11-11-12, 19:32
You are not back to square one you have achieved a lot. Just look at this a a slight hiccup.

Here are some hugs for what you have done so far and help you on the road forward again.



11-11-12, 19:33
Yes, everyday is different, some days I can feel fine and positive and then all of a sudden I feel like I have took a few steps back. Try to focus on the times you have felt better and know that you can get there again :hugs: x

11-11-12, 22:19
Thanks guys

Have felt on edge all evening and been putting off going to bed as I get scared I'm going to wake up with vertigo.

Have made myself go to bed but an lying here feeling quite anxious.

I remember when going to bed was routine not a completely terrifying ordeal. Just want my life back.

Night everyone and thanks for your messages xx