View Full Version : Horrible day yesterday

11-11-12, 20:47
It started off okay, I went to an exercise class but I'd had to take a couple of painkillers before that, and realised I needed to lie down when I got back home.

So, I had a sore neck (I've been seeing an osteopath for a couple of weeks and could have really done with seeing him yesterday!), sore ears and the left side of my face was sore too, especially round my eye and round my gums and jaw.

So I was in pain but the worst thing was the constant stream of 'stuff' going on in my head. I get this a lot anyway, but when I'm in pain and feeling vulnerable it is worse, it's like I'm caged in with the pain. I've not had an episode like that in a while. So it was a stream of constant past conversations, 'dreamed up' conversations, comparing myself to others, constant worrying about the future and feeling awful. None of it good, all of it was damaging. But I can't find the off switch.

So as this was going on I spent the rest of the day and night tossing and turning in vain, trying to find a way of sleeping that didn't hurt. Kept moving from side to front to back, massaging head and neck, anything to try and get rid of the pain. Eventually I must have been so exhuasted that I managed to get to sleep. Woke up today and I was fine, if a bit achey and tired.

I've had a quiet day today and even managed to get some things done round the house. I just want to stop worrying about everything and having these thoughts playing on my mind. How the hell do I block it all out and just get on with living?

Mr Brownstone
12-11-12, 19:37
This advice is probably rubbish, but seeing as no one else has responded yet, I'll give it anyway :) I think I can understand what you mean by being caged in by the pain. Fact is, you probably couldnt do much else because of it, and as a result started to think about stuff (lets face it, your mind will wander when you're bored)...which then just ended up going round and round in your head. So its fairly understandable. With regards blocking stuff out, it might sound cliche, but keeping yourself busy might be a start. I used to have the odd OCD habits, and weaned myself off them by just making sure I thought about something else. It worked. It might not be that easy for everyone though, but its worth a try. If you feel yourself falling back into a circular thought, just focus hard on thinking about or doing something else. I found it a habit, and breaking the habit is the key.

13-11-12, 11:12
Im sorry you had a horrible day and glad you found sleep eventually then went on to have an easier day . I agree with Mr Brownstone , breaking the vicious circle is the key , its very difficult to do when it FEELS like your in a cage , as you describe . I can relate to that endless mind chatter too . Its about quietening your mind slowly over time and accepting the feelings you describe rather than fighting them . There is so much material out there via books , audio etc that will help you .

very best regards