View Full Version : A few other things

11-11-12, 21:14
Been meaning to post this but I've had internet issues lately.

Last weekend I went for lunch with friends. This involved a trip to a big city, which I hate doing, with all the bustle and smokers etc. We found a place to eat and sat down, then it was catch up time.

These 3 particular friends all went to university and this is something I always feel bad about: that I never went to university. I was never encouraged to go, my parents never went and would not have supported me anyway and it was always expected that I would get a job (in an office, of course) and I feel in a way that I've missed out. On the achieving side of things, the social side, the opportunities. I've done things, I've travelled and had interesting experiences and I'm not thick but I always come back to this. I know we shouldn't dwell on the past but I always do.

Anyway, one of my friends was talking about how she is thinking of starting her own law business and another one was talking about the launch of her first book. And there's me, the admin person sitting with these ambitious people and feeling like I'm a bit of dirt on their shoes - ok, not really but I feel like I've not achieved much in comparison. It started eating away at me. I even thought, why on earth are we friends?

I just felt it building up in me. The comparisons between them and me. The feeling worthless. The heat in the place was getting to me as well, so I quickly popped some painkillers and went to the toilet, where I blew my nose did some breathing and tried to calm down. I hoped they'd not noticed how long I'd been away for.

I felt better when I emerged. Lunch had arrived. So the talk ceased for a while as we ate. But I still had the thoughts in my head.

Then, a few nights later I had a panicky episode in bed. I can normally sleep easily enough but for some reason that night it just popped into my head. "Next year you will be 35. THIRTY FIVE. You're going to be thirty-five and you're single. You're alone, you have no-one. Nobody wants you. You're getting older and uglier and you're single" I started to feel really panicky, throat closing up. Old age and illness is something I worry about, although turning another year older has never really bothered me that much. But I hate being single, I really do. I'm sorry but it just sucks. I know there's bigger things in the world but being surrounded by couples and feeling like you're a worthless nobody who a guy won't even date isn't fun. I was glad when it eventually wore off and I got to sleep.

How is it some people seem to sail through life and I struggle so much?

11-11-12, 21:25
Hey :D
I know how you feel, I'm younger than you, only 26 but I already worry about this. My friends are all doing so well with careers and getting married. I have no career, I have hopped from job to job and still dont know what I want to do!
I have a daughter from a failed relationship, she is my everything and the reason I carry on. I have just come out of a year long relationship and its tough, he was the one for me but now, here I am again. Single, with a child and no decent career or even a job at the moment!
I want to do so much more with my life I just dont know where to begin. I would love a career, earn money, go and see the world and share it all with someone I love. I do feel like time is passing me by and I'm not getting anywhere :(
Sorry I have no advice for you but I understand how you feel a little.
I also understand the whole being single thing, its not the most important thing in the world but its nice to be with someone, have someone love you and be there for you.

12-11-12, 12:12
Hi Madgirl

First off. It doesnt matter if you have never been to university, sure there are many expeirences there but there are experiences whatever a person does. Also when people talk about starting thier own business or releasing a book, these are things they want to do. Trust me, if you want to be ambitious and achieve things, you can.

The thing this, you just need to know what you want to do and what you want to achieve. It doesnt matter what it is, whether its climbing mount everest or just settling down with someone and being happy. The main thing is that your happy. Dont worry about what everyone esle is doing, I can garuntee you that its not as fabulous as its made out to be.

Certainly do not think you are below anyone else becuase you are not. As far as turning 35 and being single, dont worry about it. Easier said than done I know but go easy on yourself, you dont deserve to treat yourself like that.

This pep talk is sounding massivly cheesy, but if I were you this is what I would do.

1. Try and put any fears to the back of my mind.
2. Treat yourself.
3. Repeat until happy.

Once your happy, you will naturally be fun, hey presto guys will fall into your lap and you get the pick of em.

I hope this helps.

12-11-12, 16:50
Thanks for the comments :) I had a good day today, lunch with my mum - it was chilled out and fun. I guess I need to slow down and not overthink - easier said than done but it can be done, I know.

12-11-12, 17:06
Going to uni is a whole different debate and not really for here,but many a successful person never went to uni.

I left school at 16 yet I have two kids who left uni in the last three years.one has a degree and can't find work the other can barely live on what he earns.

You need to get the priorities in your mind in a set order and only you know what they are. lonelyness can be awful to sufferers like ourselves even if we have family around us.You appear to be low in self confidence and you are amongst friends on here who i am sure can help you. easy to say but try and be strong.

12-11-12, 17:27
I'm glad you had a better day today, we all have times where we get fed up because we're not where we think we should be or are not doing what we think we should be doing. Yes your friends may have gone to uni, but i'm sure you have loads of other qualities that they dont posses. Whats right for one isnt right for all and whether you went or not doesnt change the person you are which is the most important thing.

Most single people get down from time to time when they are not in a relationship, I've currently been with someone for 4 months but still have all my insecurities which i find harder to manage when im with someone.

I'm 37 and feel exactly the same sometimes hun... Feel free to PM me anytime x

13-11-12, 12:43

You said "I guess I need to slow down and not overthink" .
Perfect !!!! i wont pep talk but this IS THE answer , it works for me .
