View Full Version : Not Sure What's Wrong with Me

12-11-12, 03:13
Hi! =) It's taken me a lot to write this so please, please please plase read it if you have the time, and maybe you'll be able to help! I'm a young (22) y.o. girl with a loving family and my whole life ahead of me. Appart from my own mind, I've never any major problems in my life. I don't hit all criteria for any particular diagnosis, the one thing all doctors agree on is depression. Here's what I do feel:

I'm disturbed with intrusive thoughts and feelings that make me feel guilty and ashamed beyond words. I feel disgusting, sick and like I am loosing my mind, wich crushes my self-esteem and leaves me feeling like the sickest person on earth. I know rationally I am actually a very good and kind person. I had really good self-esteem and used to be sure of myself, and now I'm the opposite of that. I have no other OCD symptoms. Talking to my (former) therapist about this and doing some past-life therapy (man I've tried all sorts of things) have led me to believe I was abused as a child and can't remember it, but I don't know if this happened or not. I seem to have a lot of symptoms related to this kind of situation and PTSD without the trauma itself! Even writing this right now is killing me a little bit, as there are words I can't write or say out loud, I just can't.
I am terrified of life, EVERYTHING just seems like a horrible mess. I desperatly overthink and search for a meaning in things, like, Why do atrocities happend everyday? Why is there so much violence? What is the point of all this? I do believe in God (in a sense of something above us) but I don't get what we're supposed to do. People tell me "It's a part of life" or "we're on this planet to learn from difficulties" but that just makes me feel like I can't live like this. Trying to stop thinking about this stuff and "just live" doesn't work. I know a lot of people ask themselves the same things and that's normal, but, for me, it's stopping me from living. I can't really control it.
I have developed crippling social anxiety to the point where someone 'staring' at me in a photograph makes me nervous. I say develop because I think the anxiety is a symptom of a previous thing: I feel like I'm not able to connect to people normally, just talking to people in general, even people I love, feels VERY uncomfortable; I feel horrible and disturbed even talking to my parents or my very best friend. It's been like this and getting worse for 3 years now, so basically it's been 3 years since the last time I felt comfortable and at ease. I feel like I'm always acting and have to make a huge effort to connect with myself when I'm speaking, or sometimes just out in public. That with some late-night feeling of being lost and not knowing who I am led me to being diagnosed with depersonalization, but talking to other people who recieved this diagnosis, I learned I don't feel like a typical patient of depersonalization.

Feeling like I'm not in control of my mind and don't know for certain I am myself, or who I am, makes me feel like I'm going crazy. I have this moments where I feel like myself and know everything is going to be OK, but they are becoming more and more rare. Now I'm at risk of losing something I worked REALLY hard to achieve, basically I can loose the one thing I still had, since I lost most of my friends and feel uncomfortable engaging in pratically any activity. Basicaly it's come to a point where I just sit by myself and feel terrible, and that's all I do. I need help with my mind and the way I see things. Does anyone else feel like this? Thank you so much in advance! Sorry for the long post and english errors! Oh I'm on wellbutrin and lamotrigine by the way, I'd be wort without them, but they're not much help.

12-11-12, 03:33
Hi Storage

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-11-12, 10:27
I just read your post and wanted to reply as I have similar issues as you. I too do not really know what is wrong with me as such. I don't fit into a particular diagnosis and know one has ever tried to diagnose me with anything. However, I definitely have symptoms of anxiety and possibly depression. I often feel like I am just acting when I am around people and can really struggle to feel comfortable. I also have lost a lot of self esteem and confidence over the years. I can feel 'like me' at times but I'm terrified that I am going to slowly get worse and worse. The only thing that I can do to reassure myself is remember that things can get better and I just have to keep working on myself and do simple things like looking after myself (eating well, getting as much sleep as poss etc).
I think one thing to remember is that most people have insecurities and anxieties and many of these people hide them so it feels like you're the only person suffering. I am also in my early 20s and I think this could be a stage of finding yourself and growing as a person. Although I am sure you feel quite alone and it must be tough, please remember that there is plenty of help out there and things will improve.

14-11-12, 01:44
. I can feel 'like me' at times but I'm terrified that I am going to slowly get worse and worse.
Thank you so much for your reply =) It makes me 'happy' (well.. You know) to know other people have the same cluster of symptoms, and yes I too feel scared that I'm going to loose my mind and never come back, just get worse. Re-reading my post I noticed I kind of belittled what's going on, but yeah, my life is completely frozen, it's like I hit a wall. I couldn't get myself to go to class yeasterday or today even tho I might get kicked out of college (it's a long story) if I keep missing classes. But I AM going tomorrow! They're new classes with a new crowd so maybe I'll feel different! =))