View Full Version : The wait begins!

12-11-12, 09:32
Just had my blood test- routine fbc, liver, kidney, thyroid and cealiacs. I have ibs but have been having a few more spells lately so they want to rule that out. Dr felt my abdo and he said all feels fine.I just hate this anxious wait, I keep having visions of finding something and having to have further tests (and ultimately being told I have the C word!)

Any help and advise to keep sane over the next few days is very welcome!

12-11-12, 11:02
Hi waiting for results is so stressful. As I have had to have so many tests recently I have become used to it but when I had my first lot of bloods taken last year I was a nervous wreak. Like you, expected a phone call and to be referred on, to be told extremely bad news. Of course no phone call happened and after about 3 days I called the GP and told all back fine!. Only thing I can say is just to distract yourself while you wait, I spent a lot of time on this site reading about other people's experiences with blood tests and just generally trying to keep my mind occupied. When you have HA, it is difficult to keep things in perspective and avoid thinking the worse, I'm currently waiting for liver function results and have problems in this area, so completely relate . xxxxxx