View Full Version : Mitral valve prolapse

12-11-12, 10:01
I'm not to sure where to post this here or the Palpitations section.

Mitral valve prolapse or Palpitations

I seem to be getting a strange Fluttering in my chest/throat that make me feel as it my breath has gone and it gives me the urge to cough.

When I cough everything settles. But this is happening several times aday and my doctor just says nothing he has listerned to my chest and that is it.

I am due to have a standed ecg this week, But understand unless I am having the symptoms at the time the ecg will not pick anything up.
Also I am due to go to a pain intervention clinic on wednesday (I think it is about my chest pain not to sure my doctor never told me just got a letter.) should I bring this up with them, But from what I understand it is mainly

But looking on Google (I Know a naughty thing to do)

The Symptoms of MVP are
Fluttering or rapid heartbeat called palpitations
Panic and anxiety
Shortness of breath

I can put a tick next to all of them (most of use could I think).

But I have notice when I get the feelings of the fluttering if I check my pulse rate it seems to be Normal not speeded up or feels like no missed beats, Just feels normal.

But get the fluttering, the feeling like my breath has been taken away and the urge to cough.

Any ideas and if the idea is to speak to the doctor any ideas how to deal with a stubborn doctor who already thinks I have health anxiety(only one doctor is allowed to deal with me).

But I would say I don't really suffer from health anxiety I am just trying to tell the doctor what I feel and Know is there.

I have already told her just because I have moles "I don't think I have Cancer" or because my muscle's twitch constantly "I don't have MND/ALS", I get constant headaches and pain behind my left eye "I don't think I have a tumor", BUT my doctor has told me if we rule out the heart I will only move onto something else like Cancer,MND,Tumor and so on I have ruled out having most things but my heart is a on going concern.

Sorry if any of this makes no sense:flowers:

12-11-12, 10:05
The ecg will pick up any problems even if you feel you don't have the symptoms at the time. The fact that you say the symptoms are not always there is a good indication that it is anxiety related.

12-11-12, 10:23
Thanks Annie, yeah it strange I get the symptoms anytime even when i don't feel anxious.

Just had to post here as cannot get intouch with my mentor who is in south africa as my facebook messager seems down

12-11-12, 12:27
I did not read your entire post, because I *do* have MVP, and the thing is, it is not really a big deal. The flutters in my chest are about the extent of it.

I run 4 miles a day, no issue. The only thing I did (which is good to do if you suffer from anxiety too) is quit caffeine. It helps both MVP and anxiety.

It is funny, I have it, and even when it was diagnosed, it did not freak me out. Hang in there, your symptoms are probably anxiety related, but even if they did happen to be an MVP, it would not really make too much of a difference. It doesn't really usually hurt you.

Luna night
10-02-16, 12:22
I to have MVP it's something you live with. Being addicted to exercise its never been an issue.
I enjoy cardio exercise and Hatha vinyasa yoga.
Enjoy life ! Hugs :hugs:

10-02-16, 13:52
I have it too and all I get are the chest flutters. Doc told me not to worry about it it's harmless. More annoying then anything else. There's a good forum on here that describes it if you can find it. Something about a drum being off beat.