View Full Version : Changing from Citalopram to Venlafaxine

12-11-12, 10:15
Hi everyone,

I have often read these forums but this is the first time I have posted. I am 23 and I started suffering from anxiety about 4 years ago. I had very bad anxious episodes every time I had a girlfriend; I would obsess about whether she really liked me or whether I really liked her, and it would make me very anxious. This anxiety would often culminate in persistent vomiting as a symptom and a relationship ending. I don't know whether this vomiting was to do with the fact I was on Citalopram and occasionally had a few beers (I never really drunk much anyway).

Then a year ago I met a girl who I really fell in love with, she is kind, understanding, etc. But she moved away due to her job and we are now in a distance relationship which I find very anxiety-provoking. I went back to my doctor who said that Citalopram wasn't helping. I am now weaning off of it (30mg to 20mg for a week, then 20mg 10 for a week, then 10 every other day), but I feel terrible now that I'm down to 10mg. Maybe this is because my body has been used to another dose for a long period of time?

I guess I wanted to ask people out there if they felt Citalopram ever really hindered rather than helped their anxiety? I never used to vomit from anxiety before Citalopram, I now have a dry mouth and an everpresent lump in my throat. The doctor has changed me over to Venlafaxine which I am supposed to start taking in 10 days time. I am concerned about taking it because I am so aware that Citalopram really hasn't helped me and I don't want to go through it all again with another medication. But at the same time I'd do anything to feel better.

I have so much to live for and so many things I love and enjoy in life. If only I could get past this anxiety first.

Thanks to everyone in advance,


14-11-12, 22:11
hi,this is my first time on this so bare with me lol,my doctor have changed me from sertaline to venlaxfine and im a nervouse of taking this myself as ive tried alot of tablets in the past,i was on citalpram for about 6yrs and did nuffing for me,i just kept taking it an putting up with the pannik attaks i have,but they get that bad i pass out so i thought i have to push for help this isnt normal,but this is wat she gave me tday venlafxine,so how do u feel taking venlaxfine ?

15-11-12, 10:12
Hi, I'm a 43 year old female and this is the first time ive ever posted on a forum but i'd like to share my experience of venlafaxine. Ive been on this particular drug for around 8 years having tried many other antidepressants in the past. I take 375mg daily and I suffer from a lot of side-effects. Night sweats, shakiness, nausea, dry mouth, crazy dreams, tiredness, blurred vision at times, lack of concentration - but all these side-effects are preferable to feeling life isn't worth living, so i'd be the first to say that I think venlafaxine is worth sticking with. Hope I haven't put anyone off out there.

16-11-12, 09:33
I take venlafaxine...37.5mg x2 daily. It has worked for me brilliantly. Got me out of a deep dark hole. I take my doses at the same time each day and always have something to eat beforehand and have a glass of water. There are some side effects but everyone is different. If you feel sick ask your pharmacist for something to help cmbat this. If you feel the SE's are bad your doctor should be able to give you something to help you. It takes time to get into your system and this again varies. Took me about 6 to 8 weeks. You will gradually start to feel better.
Hope this helps
Take care
Anni x

Donny R
10-04-13, 15:19
My husband is on citalopram and hates it after 6 years it seems to have done nothing - he is till in bad way so we are off to docs tonight tochange him to venlafaxine.
I am on venlafaxine 150 gm (12 mon ths now)and you can't compare. Venlafaxine is especially good if you suffer with anxiety attacks witt the depression. I was in major terrible state but feel so much better now. depression lifted and anxiety attacks leaving me alone for now which is a boon since I had them since I was 11 and 59 now.
The only downside is a dry mouth and crazy surreal dreams. Not nightmares though just really crazy to the point that I really enjoy them!!! At the beginning I lost my appetite - didn't feel ill just wasn't hungry - marvellous lost weight and went down a size. Appetite well back now so willpower needed.

Good luck they are def worth a try.

09-02-17, 19:24
This thread has been really useful to me. I'm in my first week of taking half my usual dose of citalopram in preparation for starting venlafaxine. My gp said to try to wait two weeks but to come back in one week if I was struggling. I'm definitely struggling. We both agreed that it's high risk for me to change medications just now but as I feel awful anyway I decided just to get on with it, it's worth a try.

This thread came up on a google search and I'm very glad I found it. I'm glad I found this site. I appreciate the honest opinions about all your different experiences.