View Full Version : Argh...Head pains

16-08-06, 12:09
The head pains are at it again.....it is so frightening.
I feel ike i am going to kark it or something

Can this really be another symptom of anxiety

Hay x

16-08-06, 12:20
Hi Hayles,

Aw hugs for you hun. I so know how you feel and can sympathise with you. I used to get funny tingling pains up the back of my head and told the doctor it was the anurism moving about. I wont even repeat what the doctor told me lol. Anxiety and its symptoms has a lot to answer for.

Take Care



16-08-06, 12:26
thanks mandy.

some day i can ignore them other days they really get to me and frighten me.
I am convinced it is a tumour

Hay x

16-08-06, 12:32
Hi Hayles
your not alone i too get really bad head pains, sometimes it feels like my heads being crushed LOL

hope you feel better soon


Two heads
16-08-06, 20:01
I get shock like pains in my head and they really scare me!
My doc saids this is adrenaline,true i dont know!xxx

polly daydream
17-08-06, 00:26
It sounds very much like anxiety hayles, I too get head shocks and pain.

Take care,

Polly x