View Full Version : Day 3 of Blood pressure pills. BP is higher than before?

12-11-12, 11:19
Ok so I've started taking anlodipine 5mg on Friday night,
Must say I'm terrified of the side effects.
Yesterday eve I took my BP, wish I hadn't,
It was higher than ever. 166/106.
Please does anyone know if that's ok
How long do they take to work?
I've got a horrible headache right now.

Thanks x

12-11-12, 12:45
Hi Tracie,

I have had high BP for around 7 years now and it took weeks (even months) for doc to get my meds right. I now take a combination of 3 different BP meds, been on this for about 6 years now and it controls my BP really well. Can't really remember but I think they take a couple of weeks or so to settle things down.

Obviously anxiety about you BP/meds will raise it, so it may not be an accurate reading. I found I had to stop 'self checking' all the time as it was always a different reading and this made me more anxious. Have a chat with your GP and make sure they monitor your BP every couple of weeks or so until they get it right.

BTW, you can get headaches as a SE and tiredness too. This is fairly normal in my opinion and will pass.

Good luck :hugs: Kitti.

12-11-12, 19:01
Hi Kitti

Thanks so much for your reply.
Maybe you are right, I might need a combination
Of meds to get it down.
I just can't help thinking I'm going to have a stroke etc, while
My pressures this high?

I'm not going to take my BP at all today ( silly I know)

Thanks again xxx

12-11-12, 20:21
You won't have a stroke, I believe that is caused by a blood clot to the brain. And you won't have a heart attack either....I used to get terrible palps and worried constantly about my heart. Blood pressure is often called 'the silent killer' as in many cases, people do not even know they have high BP at all, it rarely causes any symptoms so they do not have treatment for it. That is not to say you are in any danger and about to keel over!! (sorry not meant to worry you) Please don't worry.

What you are feeling is probably just anxiety about (a) Your high BP and (b) Fear of taking your tablet/side effects.

I suggest you go and have a chat with your GP as soon as possible to put your mind at rest. You really should take your medication if it has been prescribed by your doctor.

Let me know how you get on. Kitti :hugs:

13-11-12, 22:05
I have been on Amlodipine 5mg for several years now and it has lowered my blood pressure significantly. It has worked for me better than my previous medication. A few days of headaches may accompany the initial doses but will soon abate. They may take a week or so to work if you have never had medication before. I have had no side effects despite some web forums listing loads.....I think that the higher doses may cause swollen ankles in some people, but on 5mgm you sholud be fine.
Feel free to PM me if you need any further reassurance.
Hope it settles done soon...sure it will.

oh no_1
14-11-12, 07:55
i have high blood pressure, im 26..... so im concerned and was on amlodipine but on something else now but blood pressure still high several years later :(

yeh i agree thinking bout ya blood pressure been high etc or anxiety over it makes it higher.

14-11-12, 08:53
I have been on bp medication for years and have had amlodipine in the past. Am now on a combination of drugs, including a beta blocker, and bp under control. Like previously stated it takes a little while for tablets to start working and then they may need adjusting until right dosage found. My doctor told me not to do bp at home because results are always higher than when done by him in surgery. Be patient and it will be sorted out.

14-11-12, 12:27
It can take a while to get a combination of bp medication that works. I had weekly visits to my GP for a month before targets were reached. Over the years since there have been further revisions. I presented with 180/120. After a month this was down to 135/85. It rose again at an occupational health medical but I just scraped through (anxiety about failing the medical.)

I am now on max daily dose of Ramipril, 5mg Amlodipine, 2.5mg Bendroflumethiazide and 2.5mg Atenolol (beta blocker.) BP when last checked was 137/78.

There are no side effects other than the Bendro doing what it says on the tin...

14-11-12, 22:22
Thanks so much you lovely lot!!!!
Its really put my mind at rest hearing your advice.
Ive decided not to take my BP until ive been on the pills for 10 days.
Its causing me too much stress, im worried the tablets wont work.
Thanks again & fingers crossed xxxx

14-11-12, 22:51
Hi Tracie
Gp put me on amlodopine and my blood pressure increased as well, there are other blood pressure pills that work in different ways, Gp put me on Ramapril which lowered my bp significantly

15-11-12, 09:35
Combinations seem to work better than single treatments in high dosages.