View Full Version : Panics back

12-11-12, 11:21
I was doing so well recently with being on citalopram. However I feel as tho I am back to square one yesterday at work I had the most awful feeling my whole body was hot and numb and tingly I really thought I was gonna collapse and die. I thought the citaloprams were meant to help I have been on them near 2 months. And today I feel breathless racing heart exhausted and dizzy I feel so helpless and scared all the time :( xx

12-11-12, 11:40
You have been doing so well on the Citalopram recently, that says it all, the medication is working. It is not a cure for anxiety, that is up to you. Accept that you are having a couple of bad days and hopefully you will return to a more relaxed you. It is frightening I know and coping mechanisms are hard to implement when you are having a panic attack. I say to myself "Am I running away from a Tiger or Lion", I look around and I am in the safety of my own home, not a wild animal in sight and that helps a little.