View Full Version : Its got the better of me again

16-08-06, 12:41
Hi All

I had been doing really well lately, then last week i started getting chest pains and then everything went to pot lol now i im really suffering again, still getting the chest pains but have headaches and head pressure, dizziness and DP/DR real bad and feeling a growing sence of panic which is getting harder to keep at bay.
I still find it hard to believe that this is really just anxiety and that im not going insane!! I had a really bad day yesterday and so far todays not been much better. Sorry for the rant.

16-08-06, 13:37
Hi there. You sound as though you have been here before? If you have then you know you will come through the other side without anything terrible happening to you. Your body and mind are playing stupid tricks on you and the more you focus and believe in them then the more real they appear. I wish you luck and some happier and relaxing days very soon ahead. Take care of yourself. Remember none of it is real.

16-08-06, 14:42
Hi Hjm,

I agree 100% with Ballandalloch. Hope you feel better soon.

Take Care

