View Full Version : Appoinment came........17th Decemeber!!!!! blinking heck!

harrys mummy
12-11-12, 13:28
Well Ive just received my appointment for the nerve test on my fingers, 17th December!! What the heck am I supposed to do until then!! Go insane maybe!!! I rang them to see if there was an earlier appointment but all they do is take your phone number and put you on the standby list in case someone cancels, lets be honest who's going to cancel when they have to wait so long!!!

Anyway, I had to log on to the carpal tunnel NHS website thing and do a diagnostic questionnaire, thats all good but it wasn't all relevant to my symptoms! So I fill it in as best I could and I got an 85% on the right hand which is the worst and 74% on the left, do I believe it.........do I hell!!!!!

Bloody hell is all I can say!!

Dawn xx

12-11-12, 14:15
If when you tap the wrist you get pins and needles in the fingers it is CTS

13-11-12, 08:41
i felt about the same -but was actually called in earlier both for that, the injections and the op -which is fantastic by the way ! don't give up ...you will get there i know it seems impossible at the moment ,IT WILL HAPPEN..good luck.

13-11-12, 09:00
Try to be patient. A month really isn't bad. My daughter has epilepsy and when her seizures returned in the spring she had to wait three months to see a neurologist. In my area, there is also a year's wait to see a psychiatrist.

13-11-12, 11:28
I agree a month seems pretty quick to me. My friend has to wait 3 months to see a neuro. Good Luck.